
If they come back we can add them back in, ofc. I guess if it's just us I should make another character or two! >:) alsototallyofftopicbutijustgotanawesomenationalexamresultbackandi'mreallyhappyaboutitwoohoo

Nice vap, I could barely read that since I'm so dizzy right now.

Ok so as I have been trying to write Sunburst's next post I realized I either really need someone to play as the alpha of Beartooth, or I can play him and have a toxic, one-sided relationship between 2 of my characters. Which I can do (and there is technically not a rule against this, at least in this rp.) I kinda backed myself into a corner with this character and his arc, lol. I guess I could change him to have a crush on someone else in his current pack but there are no people playing as males in Beartooth yet. Case and point, Sunburst is still a work in progress, and is still kind of a mess with no sense of self, and I think this plotline highlights that so I don't wanna cut it or change it much.


Once Howls does their rp thing, I'll write out Callun's herbal scavenge. Perhaps the calm and patient herbalist could draw a better side out of Sunburst.. once the male gets to know him. And if Vaporeon likes that idea :3

Nice, by the way if one of the sign ups get accepted we already talked out that Kato and her male would be crushing. Just need to see what dwindle wind thinks about it. Edited at May 16, 2021 05:14 PM by ~Coment Burn~

I like Callun, he seems sweet. I'm sure Sunburst will take a liking to him, even if he won't admit it.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure to.

Maybe they can take Sunburst prisoner or something, to try and get information about their rivals out of him. Maybe they caught wind that Beartooth pack was going to try and attack them. If 3 or 4 wolves gang up on him and corner him he'll have a hard time escaping. Orr it could go the other way and they could kidnap one of the Outcasts. Edited at May 16, 2021 09:17 PM by Vaporeon

They could kidnap Bailey(my wolf) if you want.I think she would make an interesting wolf to kidnap.