
Also, Pastry, how old is Marlen?

I put too many fingers in too many pots and have a ton of RPs; I keep losing track. XD I'll at least have Sedona up tonight.

Is there a set formation of the places where the dogs are? If so is Storm next to Marlen? XD

Pastry Lord said: Is there a set formation of the places where the dogs are? If so is Storm next to Marlen? XD
I'm just going by left-right So 1 2 3 4 5 6 Would be 12 34 56

Pastry Lord said: Is there a set formation of the places where the dogs are? If so is Storm next to Marlen? XD
Yeah, I just go by order of dogs moving down. And also Marlen is a swing down, Storm is a team dog so no they are not next to each other. So lead dogs are beside each other then for like the Retro Rebels. For the swing dogs it would be Kokanee and Ares, then behind them would be Amaruq and Marlen with Marlen behind Ares. Then that's how it would go for the rest of the placings
And how old is Marlen? I just realized you never actually filled that part out on your sign up Edited at July 19, 2022 10:48 AM by Dagger Pack

Sorry guys, lifes been getting in the way. I'll reply soon, probably tonight!

Dagger Pack said: Also, Pastry, how old is Marlen?
let me check XD She is 5 and a half years Edited at July 19, 2022 02:32 PM by Pastry Lord

Finally made a picture of how the teams would be lined up. Ignore the slopiness, I used snapchat to draw it, XD. Color CodeBlue-Green = Sled White = Connection Lines(Things that the dogs are clipped to) Lime Green = Musher Blue = Lead Dogs Pink = Swing Dogs Yellow = Team Dogs Red = Wheel Dogs Ghost Legends Retro Rebels
 Quicksilver Fighters

Fulminare is gonna lose his whole group of swingers..... poor guy
