
Wait really? Lol I didn't notice XD Hopefully >.< Lmaooo I'm intrigued to see how Carl's going to react to Lio. Lol he's probably like how is sweet gentle Fiorenza related to this thug XD Got me on the edge of my seat cant wait XD

Lol i saw your comment after sending my post and yes, that's exactly what carl had been thinking xD I'm dying she's completely off guard lmaoo and poor carl now is going to worry about his two favorite people :') edit: girl can't keep hiding her horniness forever edit 2 cuz i don't wanna spam your inbox: i found this artist on WP and now i'm itching to commission lio / alex Edited at March 26, 2023 02:57 AM by Jawa Supremacy

Lmaoo this has to be my favortie interaction XD Lio be blind as hell XD That'd actually be pretty cool to get their art. Hmm I wonder what other art they have Edited at March 26, 2023 03:09 AM by Ylva

Ohhh my god i just read it and laughed so hard xD goddamnit lio ugh i want to write down alexandria's (and carl's) reaction so bad but i have to prep food >< will try to post today ahaha



Lmaoooo I love it XD My laptop is gonna die and I can't find the charger so Im running to get my post done XD Edited at March 26, 2023 04:53 AM by Ylva

Take your time omg i cannot take anymore of these clueless idiots xD been wheezing too much lmao

Lol I found it bc I def wasnt gonna make it. Posting now :) Also that was priceless, "youre Italian?" XD I was cackling. and it was right after their scream match too XD

Aaaa i'm in fiorenza fan club now >< love her so much Ugh now I'm worried because alex is getting stubborn in my head lol. She might need poking as well. How did we end up pairing up two emotionally malfunctioning people- Also sorry reply will be late, i can't write yet right now :(