
lol I'm excited tho XD what pet name should they use?

Hmm for her uhh maybe Nonnarelli (like tonnarelli rip my nicknaming sense) Bella nonna (a play on belladonna which both means beautiful lady and deadly plant. Also grandmas sometimes call their grandchildren bella di nonna//grandma's darling and this is a play on that) Bella fragolina (beautiful little strawberry) Ok i just feel like he'd call her beautiful lol

For him maybe Don fagiolo (don bean) Yup, that's it, that's all i got for him xD i'm awful at nicknaming, as you can see, also i have no idea about the italian language If you can come up with better nicknames (which i'm sure you would) please ignore these and just add them in your reply, pretend i didn't write these xD

Lol I think I will use one for the grandmother. I'll find one for him :) Also sorry for the delay, I thought I would have down time at work. I did not :'(

Aw I hope you're okay :( thank you for letting me know hehe Yup sounds like a better idea xD

Dang I'm struggling with writing Fiorenza's character idk why >.< Sorry I wanted more interaction between carl and her but I'm strugglinggg

That's okk! I struggled with Carl too on his first appearance xD Some characters need time to, uh, materialize. Then sometimes they just get out of control. Alex has been doing pretty much whatever she pleased, to be honest- Also sorry for the shitty last reply, I was falling asleep ><

How much does Carl know about Lio? Does Florenzia talk about him sometimes (or often)? Because Carl definitely wouldn't be striking a convo with him-

Nah you're good, aint no shitty writing to be had here XD And yeah I'm starting to realize that bc it's like I know exactly what I'm going for for Fiorenza and then I write it and then lose it >.< Honestly probably nothing, other than Lio is her grandson that moved in a year and a half ago. He's probably aware that Lio helps around the bakery as he probs see him in the back when he comes in. And no she doesn't talk much about his personal life, but will gush about him and say what a great grandson he is. The only thing she does sometimes say is life treating him badly but will never elaborate for his privacy. Lol yeah no it makes sense, bc Lio doesn't greet him the way Fiorenza does XD

Omg I just realized I had been catching her name wrong sorry :') She'll reemerge, don't worry! I love her response now too tho, gentle and wise grandma <3 In my headcanon Carl thinks Lio is a thug who's the same age as him xD glad to know i can make it reality since he didn't know Lio's the same age as Alexandria ahaha Also Alexandria is absolutely freaking out and i'm trying to find words to describe it lmaooo