
No no you make valid points. I think it definitely depends on who still wants to continue the rp. I might have to cut out a couple of my characters. Red Moon said: I think it depends. I honestly think it would be best if we did a count on who is still interested in the first place. Then from there, if we need more people, revamp and open sign ups again. Otherwise, maybe keep on going or maybe do some kind of time skip to regain momentum. Just ideas.

I know I would like to continue and join this. However, I feel as if we have a lot of people missing/who didn't post so it might be best to start fresh.

I agree with Spell. I also think if we redo this I might fix/change/swap a character out.

We could do a, say, 48 hour vote? People can say if they still want to participate and whether or not they want to start fresh or just pick up where we left off?

Sounds good to me. My vote: will still participate, should probably start fresh..

Sounds Good To Me As Well. My Vote: Still Want To Participate, Start Fresh


Good with either. I just can't post a good, long response until Thursday night :')

I'll still participate. As for starting fresh/picking up, I'll just go along what everyone else prefers.

I think even though there are 6 people, that's a fair amount. So I'm just going to remake a Sign Ups thread, just to avoid clutter. Just copy and paste characters your using from the former Sign Ups. ^^