

take your time misery^^ i know im not cinder, but we all understand you may not be able to answer cus you're busy or you forgot it's happened to all of us :)

Misery, I don't mind, take as long as you need, I was the one worried you might have to wait for me XD ~~ Marley, yikes lots of kids, and I feel like having 2 little kids is a lot of kids, but we had 9 people in the house this week and my grandpa hates a messy house and is so clean, and the house was a disaster, bet he was glad we left lmao

I'll probably reply tomorrow night, or maybe tonight? I'm working on a reply right now but I'm kinda busy also

I will get mu reply out later today, I think I am going to go eat breakfast, lol

I got my reply out! :D I kinda replied to both moth and Corvus, but I kinda just mentioned Moth

400+ word reply to make up for my absence, feelin good

Cinderclaws said: I got my reply out! :D I kinda replied to both moth and Corvus, but I kinda just mentioned Moth
Imma just idle until someone actually comes for this poor, poor child xd

Don't worry lol, Cinder will come, once she gets a response from misery, even though it's out of camp, and even though she's now technically breaking a promise, depending on what misery replies then she might come :p

it's 4.25 am, i just woke up 5 mins ago so i think im gonna be awake for a while but damn. im tired already lmfao Edited at March 29, 2022 01:27 PM by Cassiopiea