
Good morning! How is everyone today?

Corpses said: Alright guys My plan is to start later today so everyone can get some posts out over the weekend. It should be up around 9pm GT? Something around that
Sounds good! I'll probaly be staying up late tonight to work on my book, schoolwork, and to read replys ^^

Can we do a lay-out of camp and the town, for accurate RP reasons? Like, placements of everyone's tents, where the 'kitchen' is, horse field, ect.

Weeds= Very good idea, lol I got the lay-out of Openshaw done actually, and I'm checking to see if I can do the camp or something. I'll tell y'all if I can to see where y'all want your characters tents and such~

Black_Sand Man you are a mile ahead of me, sounds good. Joseph's only request would be on the edge and nearer the cooking area if possible.

Surely! I use a website to make the maps. I'll see what I can do with it. I don't have access to a lot on it, I'd have to get pro for that, which I may try and get for Christmas. I'm currently trying to save my money and I don't know what I want so I may just ask for money to use on getting premuims for a few of the websites I use for writing

Alright, so tents are avaliabe for my Map creator, so I will be able to create a camp layout to use for refrence So, Where would everybody Like Their character's tents to go in camp?

Rolior would like to be somewhat is the middle of everybodies sos she can protect them easier,and Austin would most likely not care where his is

Shadowed= Okay, thank you! ^^

Shaw would be... wherever's most woodsy? Or, actually, nearer to the edge. He'd probably have his wolf scare off some people near the border of the woods. Stick Aya anywhere, she'd be fine as long as she's not next to any grumpy old goats who snore xD It'd be kinda funny if the gang had real goats that snored like bears when they slept. She'd hate it.