
If I can pull him off, I hope so ^^ Mother said: He will definitely be a fun character to watch

Kolbe is a gay punk dude, and an extremely proud one at that. He's dressed up in bright colors while still giving off punk vibes. Hopefully. Plus, it's called using people's expectations against them. After all, they expect a Darion to be evil but also clever enough to hide such a fact. Thus, someone that doesn't really try to hide it is hiding not. Meian said: Oh gosh, those two are bound to be good drama >:) And, we all know the best way to avoid suspicion of being a Darion is to be a punk dude with a vulutre lmao . My goodness you're take on him makes me happy :D. The vibe I was going for was kinda like "sad frat boy" XD

Yeah, I get it, he's got a good game plan. Everybody would be like "If he was one, he'd be extremely dumb, so obviously not" :')

Yep. I'm debating him being a fairy with the other one being a witch. Lei has to be a witch, given the fact I want her to be a Deathstalker scorpion. But, like you said, Kolbe could also be a wizard given the fact that he'd be better at magic... They both could be wizard/witch and know each other though so that they can at least stick together lmao Hmmm, difficult choice. I just realized either of them could be Shapeshifters too. Especially Lei, though I'm not sure if a Deathstalker's poison from their stinger would count as something she'd be able to use lmao Edited at July 22, 2022 10:23 AM by Overthink101

seeing as the poison is a natural part of their physical arsenal, I'd say that she could use it :) It's just like super strength and special abilities they can't use.

I have a quick question, do the Darions have to be Seedlings?

The school accepts people at any stage, so, even though it would be their first year, they can be any year :) (It's just that most people go there all four years, so it's uncommon that they arrive later) Edited at July 22, 2022 05:45 PM by Meian

I think I'll keep Agnar an Antion but make everyone think he's a Darion.

and with everybody on edge, they'll be quick to point fingers.... I like it, more drama :> i was also thinking kyro would come off Darion-ish lol Edited at July 22, 2022 07:11 PM by Meian

Will the darions know of each other or will it be, like, nobody knows who anybody is?