
Haha, good to know- I was going for a character that gave off vibes of someone that could be deserving of pity and sympathy. Did I do well? - Hmmm, I have tons of random/more out there powers saved up if you want me to put them here for you to have a choice from lmao

Welcome, TIAPN. I love Ceyln so far-
Overthink, I think I could just deep dive on the internet to find something, though I will for sure keep that in mind.

Damn, if I knew this many characters were going to be 5'7" gay men, I'd probably just have reused Avyalva for this one so that we had a bit more diversity in cast. (All of the characters still look good in personality, but it's just a trend I noticed.) @Overthink, I think you got the vibe down well! He seems pretty pathetic (in the most affectionate way possible, of course). I'd pat his head if I could. @Murdering_Crow, thank you, thank you! I tried my best, though I still get the feeling that I forgot something in his bio. Edited at July 17, 2022 04:19 PM by ThisIsAPackName

Haha, yeah. The amount of gay men is greatness. They can be called 'The Ah, Men'. - Glad I managed the pathetic vibes! As an angst deity, I pride myself on being able to give characters trauma and take away their spark. So making a character that still has a spark, albeit extremely crushed, while also having trauma was a fun change of pace. I didn't want him to slow the group down too much or take away the spotlight from others, but I also wanted to give him enough trauma for the role.

I predicted there would be a lot of gay men in this one, so I tried to make it more diverse XD

Fuck out my way when you see me 😎 I'm rolling will the L G B T

I'm kinda hoping someone comes along to make a female knight cause we need females. If I had known how many males there were going to be, i would've found a way to incorporate more characters but I didn't want a huge RP

I was tempted to make a lesbian female knight but I settled for my gremlin witch boy, because I wanted to play a witch character :,) Edited at July 19, 2022 12:44 PM by Spellbound

Spell, I love love your characters so you could've gone with anything and I would've been fine with it lmao

Babes that means so much <3 Also, be warned - He does bite if his naps are interrupted LMAO. I also imagine him having some sort of mini-hovel he's constructed for making potions for just in case.