I am going to be honest, I hit a bit of a road block in thinking of a character.
I want someone who could act as a foil for Thelma, an opposite mirror image as to force them to bounce off each other.
Thelma seems to have been brought up wealthy, so that means my character would have a bit of a chip on his shoulder. Possibly a street rat.
Thelma is a honorable warrior, so my character would need to be more of the roughish cunning sort.
Thelma seems to be very strict, yet with impulsive emotions. My character would be free spirited and yet reserved and cautious.
Seeing as Thelma is a total mortal with a divine in her corner, I decided my character would be a demigod. He is more knowledgeable about the mythological world, yet the gods offer him no support.
Actually, nevermind... Just typing it out gives me ideas on a personality.
Now I need a backstory.
This is all very much a WIP.
Name: Atticus Theron; 【Atticus meaning, "Belonging of Attica", the region Athens is located. Theron means, "Hunter".
Age: He turned nineteen in the Winter.
Gender: Male
Atticus is a strange mixture of rough and haughty. He likes to keep clean, typically avoiding getting much dirt and grime upon his person and yet his lifestyle forces him otherwise. His features a mix of both rugged and aristocratic. He stands 5'11" with a thinner build, while not built like a twig don't expect him to be fighting in the front lines. He has fair olive skin, though falls on the paler side from often being indoors. Atticus' hair is an inky black that sits upon his head in waves of shaggy curls, stopping just about his ears, though some strands go towards his chin. He isn't overly concerned with grooming it, it's more unkempt style having grown on him. Upon the left side of his face, a small loose braid sits holding what appears to be a dyed feather, colored purple with several bronze beads set within the small barely noticeable braid. The color fits nicely with his eyes, gifted to him from his estranged mother. A fine coppery brown, yet the closer to the center you journeyed the browns began to glitter gold.
Atticus is a street rat, orphaned from a young age due to to the War with Sparta. He ended up growing up harshly, not having many good mentors. It's shaped his mentality, and taught him much in the ways of the cloaked and daggered. He was no assassin, rather he was skilled in subtly and deception. Dishonorable, yes... But effective. Atticus left this chapter of his life behind, but the lessons still follow.
Atticus is naturally a very free and open person. When he isn't dealing with business, he is honest on most subjects and loyal to his peers. Backstabbing was never tolerated by those he used to associate with... It's engraved into his psyche. Truth be told though, Atticus has a serious chip on his shoulder and holds serious grudges against those who have wronged him. The most notable being those from Sparta, as they stole his Father from him and forced him into poverty... Yet there are others, such as rich Elites and his estranged Mother. Atticus has often been told he has a serious case of pettiness, but he cares not for their feelings. His "pettiness" is ripe justice.
Atticus is well learned despite his upbringing. He is fond of scholars and poets, often finding them as the pinnacle of wisdom outside of Athena herself. He seeks knowledge from all sorts of various sources, and seems to practically absorb it like a sponge. He aspires to become wise and revered as a philosopher Himself. Atticus can often be seen reading or spouting off nonsensical poems... More often than not they are sub-par.
Behold, an edgy nerd.
Godly Parent:
Eris, Goddess of Discord and Strife.
I beholden you to Atticus, the living bad luck charm. His heritage gifting him the ability to look into the souls of men and force feelings of delusion, paranoia, and irrationality upon them to subliminally message them into making bad choices resulting in their downfall. Essentially a less visually stunning and world altering illusion which preys upon peoples inner weaknesses and fears...
He is also a skilled liar with a knack for speaking speaking with serpents.
Cyril Theron; Father, a notorious captain of the Athenian Navy he was killed in a battle with the Spartan Army defending Athens during the siege.
Eris; Mother, Goddess of... Well, bad things in humanity. She left not long after the birth of her mortal son. Gods, know where she could be?
I will get onto this...