
Arent we space prates? I imagine they just steal money...but it could be a dufferwnt currency than on earth lol Also they could be like robin hood, only taking from the corrupt and maybee helping those in need? No clue i am just rambling lol Reaper Take care of yourself first <3 and once you might be ready to come back we will accept you back in the chaos hehe ET Wow congrats for your mother and good luck with all the preparation
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Valentine's special edition ~ Guys!!!!" Ava shouted for attention from everyone on board standing on the top deck. "Xiomara and I have decided we're doing something today. Today, we will hijack the ship - y'all need to get out sometimes - and what better day to do it than on Valentines day?"
Ava continued her speech. "Everybody gets flowers and chocolate, no exceptions. We will then fly the ship to the closest trading center, stat."
"Any objections?" Ava paused, before reconsidering her statement. "Actually... never mind. Even if you disagree, we're going anyway, and that is the end of the discussion!"
Ava looked pleadingly around at the others gathered as she finished her speech. In reality... maybe she just wanted some chocolate and maybe also a stuffed teddy bear... but she would never admit that to the others. They would have even more material to joke around with her - and as of right now they already had far too much.
"Today is the day to celebrate love, and most importantly, friendship. And since I have no clue how to fly this ship either, I might need some help there." Who even flies this thing? she thought to herself. Is it the Capitan? Or is it magic? Damn how did i never think about that. Ava looks excitingly over the croud hoping for support. How else will they make the plan a success.
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XD they are similar to a Robin Hood type of vibe. They will raid and pillage other pirates for their loot and return it for the ransoms/bounties/etc. a lot of their money and funds come from working with a wide variety of government entities and just merchants who can pay them to get their stuff back. - As for who flies the ship? ... I vote Dallas. Boatswain and whatnot.
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... I can see Quill giving a certain look toward Vas and just silently walking away. I love the idea from Ava. But ooohh boy. Quill and love? Not the best.
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Vah, It would make sense. Although if you put him up there alone or don't give him a book he will be very sad - Ava, Watch Dally in the corner buried under a giant teddy bear and not moving for the entire day because he's comfy XD

Lmao Xiomara "looked" for any objections and then is ganna proceed to try fly the ship and then almost crash it...😭😭

I imagine Makovu just crossing his arms from the corner and rolling his eyes

Can Ava come cuddle with the big teddy bear XD
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Amy, Pfft, I called you Ava, oops XD Yes, she can <3

Stray lmao XD Well it is kinda similar e.e And yay giant teddy bears win
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