Because that is totally what would happen. Not that Aries would let Roan know that and would just agree to the hug. - Aries; "Th-That... That'd be- Um... N-No, I'll talk to h-him... B-Better that w-way..."
Part of me really wants this to work for them but I know it won't and it's sad Roan: "Oh... if you say so. Let me know if he... you know, does anything."
okay another quick question before I forget to ask: at what point would Jakob think of including Roan into the relationship?
It totally wouldn't work- Not for a long while at least lol - Aries; "He will, h-he'll listen. Th-That's doing som-some..thing..." - As for your question... Probably a bit after the sharing starts, given that that's what really gets Jakob thinking about multiple people in one relationship. Though, I do feel like maybe Jakob and Roan made out before that too(unbeknownst to Aries because Jakob is that kind of person)
Man, I never stopped to actually think about all the shit Roan will have to go through fully until now. Hopefully she and Eddy can have a healthy- albeit probably disfunctional- relationship Roan: "You know what I meant, Khrone. You're not dumb and neither am I." small smooch "Just be careful please?" I am sure at one of Jakob's parties or whatever- maybe while Aries is helping the drunk Cal- Roan would try to make a move. Just hope Eddy would not be around to see
Definitely dysfunctional. As for healthy, we can only hope lol - Aries, partially confused; "I... Y-Yeah, of course..." - If Eddy is around, then jeez- Bad day in the future for anyone that even slightly inconveniences him/his goals/his friends/his friends' goals.
pffft yeah yiiikes... would not want to be one of those people. I am trying to decide what would be more soul crushing to walk in on- Roan being kissed by Jakob or going in for the kiss herself?
I think we both know at least one of the people that will be one of those people though. Hmmmmm, depends on when Eddy walks in and sees it or if he's there for the whole thing lol
:((( not excited for that then truuuue- both would be terribly sad for him. it would probably be worse though if he heard Roan being flirty and the lead up to all of that
Probably so, in all honesty- I do say though, if Roan is being flirty and they're both drunk then Jakob is initiating the kiss lol