Nightingale's thoughts
Nightingale likes this wolf. She admires his dominance and looks up to him. They grew up kinda close. Not as close as Timber and Night, but they pretty close. I see Merlin as a potential love intrest.
Although her and Night's ideas aline, I do not think they would be friends. Night is more interested in tearing around like a bit of a maniac now that she are room to steach her legs properaly.
Timber's brother. Of chorse they know each other. Boa is a healer though. Night would probily fetch herbs for him.
They don't agree much. That is that.
Night respects her. Any hardworker deseves deseves a high rank, but she is content at subordante. Night might be a little jelous.
Night likes her. They are not close though.
Night is not a huge fan of this particular wolf. Although she admires his energy, she does not aporve of what her uses it for.
Nope. The anxity kind of creeps her out. Sorry.
Timber is her BFF. Night will go to the end of the earth for this wolf.
Night accualy somehow likes this wolf. Night secretly enjoys his company. She can not explain it. Probily because under all the, well, whatever, Night thinks he might just need a friend.
*Pure speculation on Night's part.
As he is the beta, she respects him. That is about it.
Jeraboa's thoughts