Ugh. Sorry for the wait with my character sheet. I've been busy of late. Try to get it done soon.
Maybe it's like spring or fall currently? I think your idea for the start sounds good though! Either that or that we have it right before they are moving so something happens, forcing them to move? Say the law finds the camp or a rival gang shows up and there is a shoot out? That way we start with action and a big event making it so all the characters are "forced" to interact with each other and there isn't any people just going off two and two and interactions becomes minimal throughout the rp. I just feel like that tends to happen with bigger rp groups. Just a suggestion though, I'm up for whatever really
roaw@ that works! i just wanted to ensure that nobody would be left out heh
that said, the thread will be finished and hopefully opened sometime today or possibly tomorrow :) that said, i'm still opened to suggestions if anyone else has any. ^^
Oki thanks Queen . I'll keep my eyes in here for the thread link :))
Hey, really quick, I’m going to be going on a 10 day trip with my family, and I’m not entirely sure if there’ll be wifi for me to log on to WP to RP. I’m not ignoring you, don’t worry! Once I get wifi, I’ll hop on and reply! I’m still really interested in RPing with you, don’t worry. There may or may not be wifi, so if I can get on, I will. Thanks for understanding!
Oki I'll on you when this hopefully starts . Fingers foresee it starts because I is excited for this
ok so basically i suck at keeping up with wp and life at the same time
if majority of people are still interested, i will open the thread asap :)
queen. said: ok so basically i suck at keeping up with wp and life at the same time
if majority of people are still interested, i will open the thread asap :)
I'm still interested :)) think many people think this is dead so might need to sadly pm people if they don't reply here . I can help if you wish to do that
if you would please! that would be a great big help :)
queen. said: if you would please! that would be a great big help :)
No problem :)) I'll do that now