
Benji could interact with Lysander ^^ They could potentially hit it off

I have no clue what Varian is going to be up to quite yet. It'll probably get easier as the rp starts.
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Perhaps against my better judgement, I decided to replace Alex's electricity powers with the ability to summon a bull patronus. He is going to have a bull friend. No don't look into the mythology behind it - ! ... He's not like his father ;-;

If Theo is accepted he is open to anything!!

Haha lol. I already know a lot of Greek mythology, not because of other books. But uh... my own research lol.
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I know a lot of Greek mythology from books and doing research
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I looked up Zeus symbolism and the bull came up as like, a symbol of masculinity and power, and after I'd decided a mystical bull companion would be cool, I actually looked up why it was a symbol of Zeus. : (
Might make a good contrast though, between the deception/pride and entitlement of Zeus, and Alexander's honest/genuine and humble nature. Maybe there can be a thing where they conflict sometimes, where the Bull kind of pushes him to take what he wants and take control of things, where he doesn't want to, and he has to find a balance between being super anxious and unsure of himself, relying too heavily on other people to support him, and being overly controlling/powerful and impulsive, just taking what he wants without discretion now that he can use all these cool powers to get what he wants. Edited at April 6, 2022 10:49 AM by Finnick

I know a fair amount of greek mythology. Not a whole lot, though

That would be absolutely amazing, Finnic. I like it.
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Reminds me of a character who has two separate personalities...aka a demon who shares his body. Long story. Great guy. Not the demon- the actual person- Finnick said: I looked up Zeus symbolism and the bull came up as like, a symbol of masculinity and power, and after I'd decided a mystical bull companion would be cool, I actually looked up why it was a symbol of Zeus. : (
Might make a good contrast though, between the deception/pride and entitlement of Zeus, and Alexander's honest/genuine and humble nature. Maybe there can be a thing where they conflict sometimes, where the Bull kind of pushes him to take what he wants and take control of things, where he doesn't want to, and he has to find a balance between being super anxious and unsure of himself, relying too heavily on other people to support him, and being overly controlling/powerful and impulsive, just taking what he wants without discretion now that he can use all these cool powers to get what he wants.
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