What??? No, it isn't, it totally isn't. Garvin will just deflect and deny any and all issues that occur.
Determined_Wolf said:
Well this is a recipe for disaster and uncomfortability for both these boys with not-so-great upbringings that absolutely shaped them as people
Overthink101 said:
Honestly? Garvin probably wouldn't, other than tensing up for like- A split second. Then he would just make jokes. Deflect and deny is literally how he survives.-And no worries- Garvin doesn't really understand boundaries either. No one ever taught him them and they tend to get broken fairly often in his 'upbringing'. Having boundaries in general in his 'upbringing' was basically a death sentence. He also doesn't understand what an exclusive relationship(or just in general) is so... Yeah, I see this causing no problems ever.
Determined_Wolf said:
Brosc being a bad boy and convincing others to do illegal things for fun
would Garvin express his discomfort? Brosc tends to not be aware of others' boundaries because he is used to people breaking all of his boundaries and does not fully understand romantic relationships