Game Moderator Darkseeker
stole my sister's drawing tablet. ![image.png](https://i.postimg.cc/rmBTFGDQ/image.png) Feel like there's something off about this but I can't put my finger on what...? *Edit to add: this was based off a lineart. Edited at June 28, 2020 10:31 PM by Vennenum
That's awesome! I'd say the neck maybe arches back a bit too much, the eyes are a little small, has a bit of an underbite and the fur's very line-y but those are such small things i don't think it would really affect the piece- it's really good!
Hmm I see what you mean. Would red lining be alright? I'd love to play around a bit to see what might be giving the off feeling <3
Game Moderator Darkseeker
Considering I was coloring off a lineart, the only thing I changed were the nose and the eyes. You're welcome to do a redline, but I'm not confident on my lineart-fixing skills. :')
It does look off, but I can't help you on what looks off. It looks great though.
The eye's a tad small, but other than that I think it looks lovely Venn.
The ear looks a little twisted out about halfway up it The base is facing forwards, but then the tip is facing to the side
Sorry if I seem rude but uh I think it is that it looks like it's tongue is brown, though it it the lips. But it is an AMAZING DRAWING!
And the eyes are a little small