Can I spare some of my two pennies? I love LOVE anything and everything gold. As you probably already guessed; I feel like the (Light) orange and dark orange is throwing the design off, cause you have such pretty gold patterns and the design was starting off good, till I hit that tail. My eyes stayed on that tail for a good 5 minutes before I even let my thumbs hit this keyboard, this is my own verdict, and like the other two who posted before me said " I like the design"- which is...their opinion. I understand striving and fighting to find good homes for your designs, shit take off the orange and I might toss some apples and mush your way. Anyways, what I'm saying is that you should be strict with your TOS if you haven't already. I don't know who you talk to mainly or I haven't stalked any forums handled by you yet; so I don't know who snags your designs and what their TH account name is, but I wouldn't just trust anyone with a design that you personally like.
Like this design shouldn't just be handed to someone with the right funds, they could just let the poor baby, sit in their TH collecting nothing but hopes and dreams of being a part of a world/roleplay.
Probably not my place, but who cares we're online. I suggest really listening to people like I literally just told everyone or anyone who clicked this thread I'm a weak bitch for gold schemes- easy way to reel in someone. It's not always about what others want( Well...maybe a tiny bit since you're selling the Whatever) sometimes you have to have fun; you never know..this design could be a future OC of yours.
For the whole design tips, I suggest looking at some mood boards..or be creative and pull a Stevie Wonder and surprise everyone.
Hope I helped.
( A little insight on some designs I like, just in case ye decide to make more: Gold, red, purple)
Bye..? Unless you quote me..I don't really know~