I know I own the majority of them lol
But any living Buffy offspring or descendants. I want more, especially if they are descendants of both Buffy and Mila.
Preferring clean lined unless the wolf is really eye catching
High talents if male so they can be used as explore wolves
If they are 15+ and high talents I will be warrior stoning
But honestly any Buffy descendants.
Post an image, a link, and a starting price
Offering Apples, mushrooms, gear, and/or breedings to my studs
(Star Gaze, DH Mela son of Ghostface or Espylacopa my G1 Plague Ery)
There is no "official" limit for what is too far away. If they are related to Mila or their ancestor/original Buffy pup was bred in my pack I am more likely to consider them.
Just post like crazy ❤️