Congrats to packs quivrz and pack Ideon for guessing the closest! The two numbers were 359 and 374. Mail notifications have been sent to the winners and if the winners aren't able to collect their wolf, the wolf goes to the second closest packs. Have a great October!
Three Wolves As Listed Below:
Green Lantern, a GB who has given birth to dead boosts and comes from a line of boosts and defects, Battle at Off+10
Boulderwing: male with medium CP not much else.
Fallowpelt: a light fallow at DG and 3600 BE. Has an uncommon nose. Comes from a line of boosts and defects, mainly fallows.
How this works:
I will pick three numbers, 1-500 ahead of time. I will show proof or tell another pack these three numbers. It's up to the contestants to guess these three numbers and if someone guesses it, they get the wolf. If the contest has ended and obody has guessed the numbers, the wolves go to the closest number. If this has been posted, this contest has already started.
Thanks Armor, max is 6.
some news:
9:35 game time 9/23 please read
i don't remember retiring Boulderwing or putting him up for sale, but he's gone now. He's out of this giveaway. Green Lantern and Falloweplt are still in it.
8/10 9:23 game time
Wow. Some of these guesses has been really close. If it ended right now, these would be the closest. Nobody's guessed right on the spot thought. Wolf Pride, Quivrz and Ideon are the current closest.