Hello Everyone! ^-^ It's been awhile since I've ran a contest so let's get to it. If you're interested please keep on reading to find out more. Oh and good luck!
The Perfect Scene
I am looking to get art of two of my wolves together (I'll link them below). They are a couple so the scene needs to be romantic, you get to pick their pose and what scene they are in. You get extra credit if it's shaded. The scene can be anything (examples, the beach, on a boat, the lake).
The Two Wolves
These two characters belong to me and are the ones I'm wanting the art for. Just click the links to see them!
- All art contest rules apply
- You can enter twice (if you want to try a different scene)
- Only enter with one account
- All art must be credited properly
- If you use F2U/P2U bases please make sure they are credited too
The Prizes
What do you get if you win?
There will be 3 winners as I'll likely pick 3 different scenes that I like. Those winners will all receive 35 Apples each. Other participants will receive 3 apples each (1 Apple - 850mush) (This all highly depends on how many enter this contest)
Just simply say that you're entering, the piece/s you do can then replace your comment.
Time Frame
Ends; 10th September 8PM GT
(This is to give plenty of time, if I feel it needs to be shortened or extended I will do so)