
YES! *^* it's a dream of mine to have a leaf cutter colony, but unfortunately they're not legal to own where I live since they're not native :') Spellbound said: And we can't forget some ants farm fungi

Sjuk. said: Accepted! Welcome to the club! :D Duskfall said: Pack Name: Duskfall Pack Number: 282349 What's your favorite kind of ant? (Required): I really like that Trap-Jaw ants otherwise known as Odontomachus chelifer, they have huge mandibles and are fascinating.
I am glad to be here <3

pack name: cassiopeia number: 278462 whats your favorite kind of ant?(required): dinoponera, they look so cool

Pack Name: Medusa Pack Number: 187173 Whats your favorite kind of ant?(Required): Bullet ant, they murderous little bois ow0

Pack Name: Cinderclaws Pack Number: 286342 Whats your favorite kind of ant?: Pine ants. I know it's very common, but like I love the way they smell like pine, and when I was little we used to live in a pine forest so I remember I used to find colonies of them and then I used to let them crawl on my arms XD and I even once showed my mom when I had like 100 pine ants on my arms

Pack Name: Duskfall Pack Number: 282349 Question: Why do the queens of ant colonies shed their wings?

Accepted! Welcome to the club yall! :D Cassiopiea said: pack name: cassiopeia number: 278462 whats your favorite kind of ant?(required): dinoponera, they look so cool
Cinderclaws said: Pack Name: Cinderclaws Pack Number: 286342 Whats your favorite kind of ant?: Pine ants. I know it's very common, but like I love the way they smell like pine, and when I was little we used to live in a pine forest so I remember I used to find colonies of them and then I used to let them crawl on my arms XD and I even once showed my mom when I had like 100 pine ants on my arms
Medusa said: Pack Name: Medusa Pack Number: 187173 Whats your favorite kind of ant?(Required): Bullet ant, they murderous little bois ow0

Good question! Queen ants really only need their wings in order to fly during the nuptial flight, in which queens breed with a number of winged males, then fall to the ground where they bite off their wings. Claustral species, or species of ants that burrow themselves in the dirt to begin the founding stage of egg-laying, usually live off of the wing muscles left behind, whereas some species of ant Queens may never lose their wings at all! It's all up to the individual Queen! Duskfall said: Pack Name: Duskfall Pack Number: 282349 Question: Why do the queens of ant colonies shed their wings?

That's so fascinating I saw a flying ant when I was younger, but it may have just been a male. Where I used to live I saw a bunch of flying ants soo it could have been a male or queen.

Pack Name: Cinderclaws Pack Number: 286342 Question: So like how much weight can an ant handle to carry?