What up I'm a returning player to this game from ancient times before dynamic bases and bone currency things existed!
What you want to be called: Fancy Rat!
The weirdest thing you've ever done: I once caught a loose chicken after a Mardi Gras parade in Louisana. I named her Gumbo and she was sick. Despite my best efforts, she passed... so I proceeded to get TWENTY MORE CHICKENS BABY WOOOO!
Favorite color (because why the fuck not?): Uh. Gray I think.
Things you want us to know about you: I'm a brat that overdoses everything. I have a weird obsession with chickens, indie games, music, and art.
other: Hmm. What else can I slap here... OH! I play 3 instruments learned in this order; trumpet, oboe, and guitar. I'm currently learning piano. Base clef scares me. I also love to write. Yeah.