Echoes of Dreams
Dragon Rp
After the Great War ravaged the land, both elves and dragons went into hiding, rebuilding their homes, bonds, their strength and population. After many thousands of years, they are finally ready to start a new generation of Dragon Riders to protect the land from a new evil that may be coming on the horizon. Everyone is still worried but a group of young elves and dragons will be taken to the Bonding Ceremony. Can they find their partner and build a bond before it's too late?
This RP starts when the elves and dragons have been taken and the ceremony is about to start.
1) No OoC drama. If there is any, please PM me immediately so I can sort this out
2) At least 50 words for appearance and 50 for personality or 4-5 sentences. I want something to go off of.
3) Sneak 'Pepper' into other if you've read this far
4) Please be active. At least one post per week or this RP isn't going anywhere. Please PM me if you won't be on for a while
5) Maximum 2 characters per person
6) Reservations have to be finished within 3 days before I open up the spot again. PM me if you need a 1 day extension