Rider Form:
Full Name:
Azriela Varela
Because Azri neither enjoys the feminine sound of her name, nor the rhyming component, she typically goes by Azri. Just about everyone calls her this other than her family because she tries to keep her full name a secret.
Twenty, March 21, 23:41
Role ⁄ Year:
Third Year Girl
Azri has an elegant but small figure with a graceful feel about her. She has shiny black hair that is streaked with multicolored highlights, and falls straight rather than holding any sort of wave or curl. It is parted in the middle and could be considered long, falling down below her shoulder blades. Although her soft and delicate features often attract attention for making her the image of feminine beauty, a few tattoos in various places on her body as well as her indie clothing style provide a bit of balance to her natural appearance, making her seem earthy and far from delicate or prudish. In addition, she has bright blue eyes that are a pale, unique color that often equally draw attention and make others feel intimidated, as if she can stare into one's soul.
Azri is extremely driven, and will do anything to make her goals a reality. Although she is naturally more antisocial and distant, she doesn't mind connecting with others and dreams of finding rivals who could challenge her to be better. Her entire sense of self rides on her goals and accomplishments, sometimes leaving little room for feelings. Despite this, she enjoys impressing others, and wouldn't mind having someone to toy around with--as long as they didn't get feelings involved.
Preferred Classes:
Show Jumping OR Cross Country and Western
Azri has experience riding western because of her father's farm in Patagonia. However, her mother also pushed her toward Eventing and Show Jumping because she believed she could further her career in those disciplines. Azri has done a bit of everything and is a fast learner.
Experience Level:
Azri's riding skills can best be defined as advanced intermediate. While she has the bravery and the skill to go all the way to the top as well as the motivation and drive to get there rather quickly, she hasn't gotten onto the radar of anyone with the kind of funding and horses to get her there yet. She'll school any horse to the highest level they can go, but often finds herself handicapped by the quality of horses she's surrounded by at the moment.
Open, PM me!
Significant Other:
Azri is fiercely independent and has a bit of trauma because of the huge rift between her parents, though she wouldn't really call it trauma and she would never admit the way it has affected her throughout her life. She doesn't mind flirting with people but is often too busy for a committed relationship, and she dislikes strongly the amount and type of attachment most people like to have. Because horses are an all-consuming force in her life, she's a bit married to the goals she has for her career at this point. However, this could change, especially if she found someone that was in close proximity with her every day.
Azri was born in Argentina and grew up splitting her time between Buenos Aires and her father's farmland in Patagonia. Her mother works in corporate business in the capital city and outgrew her father's charming but overly simplistic lifestyle on the ranch, so they got divorced by the time Azri was three and she spent the rest of the time traveling back and forth between them. Although her mother had less time and emotional availability to care for Azri while battling chronic workaholism and a lifestyle that wasn't quite fit for a child, the young woman grew up spending the majority of her time in Buenos Aires because of the education and the opportunities that a city provides, only returning to her father's farm for the summer's to give her mother a break. As she grew older, her skill in riding horses and working the ranch developed into a massive passion, and Azri began neglecting all other aspects of life. As this became a huge issue between Azri and her mother, who believed it was all coming from her father as an act of war, the eventual resolution was that she could continue to grow her skills in Buenos Aires so long as she chose one of the disciplines that could make her millions, and not recreational riding as she did on the farm. Around thirteen or fourteen, she began riding for one of the elite equestrian centers just outside the city and quickly rose up the ranks due to her hard work and dedication to the sport. Despite this, her mother refuses to buy or lease her a horse that can take her where she wants to go, and her father cannot afford to.
Azri smells faintly of jasmine, honey, and citrus, although it's more of a clean smell than a strong perfume-y scent. It's something you might smell faintly as she breezes past you rather than something that lingers in a room.
Azri has a slightly raspy voice that is frequently dripping with sarcasm. Although her mother forced her to learn English, she speaks it with a strong accent and often mispronounces words or says things in an odd way because she never really tried hard to learn the language. She still talks to herself in Spanish.
Preferred Stall Number:
Stall #16 <3
Horse Form:
Show Name:
MH Adelante
Barn Name:
Argentinian Warmblood
Dali is a massive horse, standing at roughly 17.1hh and towering well over Azri. He is a bright golden bay horse with four white stockings, a belly spot, and some birdcatcher markings on his body. He also has a very large blaze that borders being a bald face marking, and one of his eyes is blue. He has some colors in his mane other than black such as white, red, and silver, though they are not as noticeable unless you are close to him. His mane stays pulled and he is clipped with his owner's logo left as a quartermark.
While a lot of things can be said about Dali, one of the most prominent is that he never seems to run out of energy. He has a huge personality and is typically adored by everyone in the barn, though he is not the easiest ride. This horse really wants to win and to show off, and he has the potential to prove it.
Show Jumping, although he has the potential for eventing
Azri competed recently in a national competition where many horse sponsors were looking for upcoming riders to do business transactions with. Although Azri came in eighth place because she was riding an older horse with little potential, she managed to wow Maria Herrera, one of the leading breeders in Argentina. Although Maria could not give Azri an official lease to one of her more esteemed horses coming up this year, she had Dali sitting in her barn for a long time and decided to give this partnership a chance. She had been afraid to place Dali with a rider because of his fiery spirit and his lack of willingness to acquiese to a more passive rider, mixed with the fact that he is one of the most eyecatching warmbloods on the circuit. If he managed to throw yet another rider, it would reflect badly on her brand. Yet, she saw in him what she saw in Azri, so she shipped him off to England in hopes of finally finding a rider who might suit him. Azri has not yet ridden Dali, but is eager to get started training him soon, especially with her hopes of turning him into an event horse.