Marigold Arvern
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Marigold's hair is a tangled mop of dark brown, which is usually put up in two short, small low buns, although if in some circumstances(like, say, a zombie apocolypse *cough cough*), she will let it down, where it is a length that is just under her shoulders.
Marigold's brown complexion has an orange hue to it and is littered with freckles. Marigold's eyes are also a warm brown and they're terrible at hiding tears.
Marigold's frame is slightly higher than average and lanky, which helps her running ability some.
Marigold's first expectation when looking for clothes to wear is something that will stand out. Her wear at the moment is a neon green shirt, which is hidden underneath a battered black puffy jacket. Her jacket has many careless tears in the pouches, which Marigold doesn't bother to hide, and many bits of trash in the pockets. Marigold's pants are a casual beige and partially rolled up at the bottom.
Marigold's shoes are cheap and are easily worn out, but they are new, and will hopefully last her long enough to survive.
For Marigold, legs are worth more than arms. Although she is upstanding and confident, she is more of a runner than a fighter (although it depends on the opponent.) Her legs are more fit and trained compared to her hands, and her hands are not very steady and tend to shake a little when she's holding something still, such as a camera.
Marigold is, for the most part, charismatic, and can easily make friends or change one's opinion. However, the same goes for her own opinion, which if, even if it sounds ridiculous, if polished a bit and connotations changed, can be believed so by Marigold. Her desperate attempts to be righteous cause her to be gullible and easily manipulated.
Marigold's charisma branches from her ability to understand other people's emotions well through speech, and her forward confidence.
Although, when it comes to intelligence, Marigold is, well, a little less than smart. Her logic is average, but she doesn't like studying and her memory is not exactly impeccable, nor does she understand or bother to understand many academic subjects. Her greatest hatred is history.
Despite her lanky build, she is not very fast, although her stamina is impeccable and she can run for long periods of time, which partially makes up for her slower speed.
Marigold is an extrovert and is terribly afraid of being alone, which is not the best trait for a near-adult to have. She strives for social interaction and would do anything to not be all alone anywhere, even irrational things. She likes being under the limelight and making people laugh, but her desperation can take away from her reputation.
Marigold is easily boosted or let down by her motivation level. If she thinks she wants to do something that she thinks she can do, or something similar(like being praised by someone she cares about or really, really wanting it to an extreme extent) she will throw herself at the task. However, her motivation is easily chipped away at once she begins toiling, and depending on her mood, she tends to eventually give up.
Marigold has an undying love for stationary and things like stickers, which are absolutely useless in a zombie apocolypse. She also prefers to make things instead of break things, even if there's no harm done with the breaking, expecially when the object of question is one of her own posessions and is in good condition. She's rather naiive, despite acting stubborn and trying to become a main-character type of person.
Marigold is not good at making sacrifices for survival, which will probably get her killed, unless luck is on her side.
Her pride is possibly her worst trait. She is an attention seeker and was born to love the spotlight. She's also willing to do risky things for attention, which is probably not a good thing...
-Track, other types of stamina based running
-Academic subjects
-having to do math
-losing a possesion in good condition, even if she doesn't need it
Relatives: None
Affiliations: None yet, though she's desperate for friends.
Other: 730 words. Not the longest, but I wrote this in a rush. I'm willing to extend it if you need me to!