Name: Dyfais Ixora
Age: 23
Dyfais stands at a height of 5'3, and she weighs about 111 pounds. Her skin is a pale cream color. Her hands are covered in scars, with burn scars and cuts all over. It's almost every day you'll see a new scar pop up.
Dyfais has brown freckles on her cheeks, but not very many. They are only around the spot underneath her eyes. On her left cheek, she has a long scar going across it. It's faded out over time, but still noticeable. Her canine teeth are more jagged than normal. Her eyes are a bright amber color, with it fading into a yellow around her pupils. It certain light, like sunrise and sunset light, they look slightly red. She has short brown hair, that's trimmed to around her cheeks. Streaks of orange color can be seen throughout it.
Dyfais wears a belt that wraps from her shoulder to her hip, which on that belt, are a few pouches that carry her tools, and equipment. She found it easier to organize her stuff this way rather than a backpack. She has a pair if safety glasses, which if she isn't using them, they're just sitting on top of her head waiting to be used. She only ever takes them off when she has to. She wears a red jacket to cover the belt and her tools. Pretty much her entire outfit is just red and black colors.
(I stink at writing appearance descriptions. Please don't judge *^*)
Relationship: None.
Job: Electrician
Dyfais tends to be very hyperactive. She's always doing something, whether it be just poking the ground with a stick or trying to dig a cave. And she gets incredibly bored incredibly easy too, which only makes her even more hyper. She's constantly bouncing between different things. One minute she'll be again, poking the ground with a stick and then the next she'll be at her job again. The only thing that she doesn't tend to get distracted from is conversations. She loves talking to other people. She doesn't often have anything else to do in her free time but talk to people.
Dyfais is pretty friendly, until someone makes her mad (she's all bark no bite don't worry). She's the kind of friendly person that was never taught stranger danger as a child. She'll approach anyone at any time, and just start talking to them. She doesn't tend to take much seriously, so don't go to her expecting her to. She actually tends to completely disregard a lot of serious things. Sometimes, her friendliness can be super annoying too. Like a "please stop" kind of annoying. Not everyone wants some weird crazy person just popping up out of nowhere and talking to them
Dyfais is very curious about things. She'll go poking her fingers where they don't belong just to "see what happens" a lot of the time. She's really stupid. So stupid that you're left wondering how stupid she really can be all the time. She has the bare minimum of intelligence, just enough to know not to stick her hand down a random hole in the ground or go try and pet a wild animal.
Dyno is a small, beagle sized robot dinosaur that Dyfais fixed up the best she could. He looks like a mix between a raptor and a compsognathus. He doesn't have the tippy tappy claws that raptors do though. In fact he doesn't have claws at all to prevent him from hurting someone on accident. His eyes are screens (colored blue!), that change depending on how he's feeling. If he's irritated, he'll look irritated. If he's happy he'll look happy, and so on. He has a mouth with no teeth. His job was actually to help with anything, but he doesn't like to do that. Now he's kind of just her pet.
Mental Stability: (do they snap under pressure)?
Likes and Dislikes:
Dyno - they're one DYnamic duo!
Dinosaurs - they're cute!
Exploration - it's just fun!
Dogs - they scare her. D:
When Dyno doesn't listen - which is all the time.
Pinching her fingers in something - it happens too often.
Dyfais was born in a middle-class family. Dyfais didn't spend much time with them, since they didn't ever seem to want to spend time with her. Instead, she spent most of her time with her grandparents. Her grandpa taught her a lot of electrician stuff while she was growing up, and she really enjoyed being taught it. One time, Dyfais found a broken robot dinosaur that was thrown away. So, she decided to try and fix it. She did manage to get it to turn on a little bit, but couldn't figure out how to fully fix it, so she put it to the side for a while. And when she was able to, she went to college to be an electrician. After about 2 years, she decided to try an fix it again, and this time, she did manage to fix it better than she did before. However, some of it's motors were broken, but that's easy. She took it to a repair shop at that point, and they managed to replace it's motors and get it working. And she named him Dyno!
(I didn't know where to end it. I stink at writing backstories. Please don't judge. *^*)
Reason for volunteering:
Reason 1. Because she'd be more useful going than staying.
Reason 2. Fun adventure.
Do web comics count? Because if so then Tales of the Wasteland is my favorite.
I think that's what is was called at least. It's been a while since I've read it.