~ Angel ~
"The world is full of corruption and evil, those who do not see it are either blind or stupid, those who seek purity among it are fearful and idiotic. Only those who seek truth and understanding will succeed eventually."
Ingall Dara Featherlight
Name Meaning:
Ingall: Angel
Dara: Intelligent/Wise
Featherlight: Light as a feather
Angel, Gall/Gal, anything you can come up with
Demisexual and Panromantic (Male and NB lean)
Royal Mage
Magic Type:
Divine Devotion, Demi-God, and Incantations
Deity (optional unless divine devotee):
Raimy and Ling
Appearance (at least 6 sentences or three pictures):
Credit to @lof@[email protected]
Ingall is extraordinarily beautiful. He's tall, standing at 6'2", and has a slender, hourglass build. His hair falls down past his shoulders, bleach blonde and wavy, most often seen in a braid. His face is diamond-shaped with a narrower chin and forehead and broader cheekbones.
Ingall's eyes are almond-shaped and a bright, pretty green, full of intelligence. His lips are thin and slightly turned down, making him look constantly serious. His skin is fair and completely clear except for a crescent-shaped scar on the left side of his chin. His ears are slightly pointed and often have earrings in them, and his nose is slightly more pointed than usual, giving him a sharp look.
Ingall's cheeks have a light splash of freckles on them. His eyebrows are thin and have an obvious arch, and there are a few worry lines between them, something that should be expected from a person such as Ingall.
Ingall's voice, though typically softer and carrying an appealing, gentle tone, is easily raised and well heard, always clear. He annunciates and articulates very well, so even people who may struggle to understand the language typically can usually gain some level of understanding. His voice is made for singing and public speaking, constantly moving and easily keeping people engaged.
Gall is generally pretty well dressed, always in a logical manner, of course. He typically wears a light blue long-sleeved shirt under a darker blue or black long vest or jacket with a belt over the top and black pants with tall black boots. He also always carries his long bow and arrows and his brown leather bag.
Ingall is typically seen with a silver tree necklace around his neck and a crescent moon in one ear and a star earring in the other, showing off his love of nature.
Personality (can be bullet points):
Ingall is a very deep, complicated character.
Starting out simple, he's extremely intelligent. Ingall understands problems of all sorts better than most people. He sees things through a logical lens and solves things based on math, science, or linguistics. It's common for him to shove his emotions aside in order to come up with the best solution. This isn't to say that Angel doesn't understand emotions, psychology is one of his best subjects, he just believes that it's his job to create the best solutions and make sure everyone else is taken care of. He can worry about his own feelings later.
Along with this Ingall is always extremely organized. Plus, you may as well call him Mary Poppins because he's always got anything you could possibly need with him. He plans ahead and never undermines the slight importance of any item.
Next, Ingall's always got a backup plan. You can never expect anything to go perfectly, and if you don't have another plan, things can go to shit real fast. Therefore, Angel will have about a dozen scenarios in his head and at least two plans for each. You can never be too prepared.
Ingall can also be a bit of a stubborn know-it-all. To be fair, he usually does know best, but still, it can certainly be annoying to be around him on occasion, because he rarely changes his opinion once he decides on it.
Okay, there was surface level, let's dive a bit deeper, shall we?
First off, Ingall is in a constant state of paranoia. Everything could go wrong in a matter of seconds. It's happened to him more than once, and because of that, plus some extra trauma on top of those few times, he's never able to fully calm himself and accept that everything might be okay. He doesn't understand the concept of safety. Everything is a threat. Everyone is an enemy.
Perhaps because of this, Angel can be unintentionally manipulative a lot of the time. Yes, it is genuinely unintentional. He'll say or do something that's a simple habit for him, often as a defense mechanism, and it'll come out in a way that sounds different than Ingall actually intended. Or he'll assume that someone is doing something that they aren't because he thinks it's obvious that that's what should be happening because his mind works that way, and when he figures out that's not what's happening, he'll be confused and accidentally guilt shame. He really, really doesn't mean to, he just doesn't understand what he's doing.
Onto self-expectation, something Ingall struggles with a lot. He always tells himself he has to be absolutely perfect, and, when he's not, he beats himself up for it. He also assumes everyone expects the same from him and often ends up apologizing for it, even if literally no one expected anything of him. This, again, stems from severe trauma.
Now, how is Angel with people?
Terrible. He doesn't know how to talk to them at all. Yes, he's great at public speaking, anything that involves teaching, and ranting about random issues, but when it comes to genuine discussions? Ingall doesn't even know where to start. He gets anxious and fidgety, he's very socially awkward until you strike a subject of interest to him. This is mainly because he hasn't had really good experiences with making friends in the past.
Now, Ingall really does like people, even if he's awkward around them. He hates seeing people get hurt and always stands up for those in need. He fights for equality and has a genuine love for people and their well-being.
He is also a huge fan of nature, loving just about everything relating to the outdoors. He's got a way with animals and loves to help them out or just watch them do their thing when he can.
Angel really is a sweet guy, he just doesn't get a lot of opportunity to show it.
Physical Health:
Occasional physical tics as a result of anxiety (Head jerking, flapping hands, tongue clicking)
Mental Health:
Ingall suffers from severe anxiety, paranoia, C-PTSD, and OCD
Immune System:
Very good
None currently (PM me)
None currently (PM me)
Amar Coldblood (3-year-long relationship, very toxic)
Loud noises, especially shouting are a major trigger for Ingall's anxiety and PTSD. He also fears not being in control, whether
that's of himself or his surroundings, he always needs a sense of control.
Bad Habits:
The second that something of interest is mentioned, Ingall almost always jumps into a rant, a habit that he's always had. Now, this isn't always a bad thing, but there are definitely times when this is really not good.
Ingall also has a habit of picking at his skin and toying with his hair when he's nervous.
Gall was born and raised in Braisia and has no intention of leaving unless necessary. It's where his family lived, and, for that same reason, it's the place that Ingall will always consider home.
~ Kira ~
"Challenge me to anythin' and see how far ya get, it'll be great fun!"
Akira Casimir Toivo
**Name Meaning:
Akira: Bright/Clear/Ideal
Casimir: Peace
Toivo: Trust/Hope/Promise/Faith
Aki, Kira, anything you can think of
AMAB Nonbinary (They/Them)
Demi-Omnisexual and Omniromantic (Masculine lean)
Magic Type:
Sigil-crafting and Alchemy
Deity (optional unless divine devotee):
Appearance (at least 6 sentences or three pictures):
Credit to @lof@[email protected]
Akira is about average height, standing at 5'9" and weighing at a slightly heavier than average 200 pounds, though the extra weight really is just muscle. Their skin is lightly tanned with warm undertones.
Their face is diamond-shaped with a smaller chin and forehead and slightly wider cheekbones. Their nose is what you may consider 'normal,' with a slight curve and rounded off end while their lips are thin and often pulled upward in a lazy smile.
Akira's eyes hooded and seem to sag slightly, colored amber. They're also accompanied by eye bags at all times. Their eyebrows are slightly bushy and have no obvious arch, hanging above Aki's eyes in a way that makes them look constantly determined and maybe even angry.
Akira's hair is dyed a dark purple and is just above shoulder length, with the back often pulled into a small ponytail. The front of their hair has a tendency to fall into their face and is very messy more often than not.
For scars, Aki has quite a few. The most obvious being one right across their nose, one around the length of their neck, and one across their cheek. Many more litter their back, legs, and arms, though Akira never specifies where they got all of them, only ever saying they were from "training accidents."
Akira's voice is lower in pitch and generally pretty quiet. They speak somewhat slower than normal, taking time to find the correct wording before actually saying the words out loud. They also tend to draw out 'N' and 'M' sounds as well as hold onto s's. They're pretty easy to understand as long as you're close enough to actually hear them.
Aki is often seen in a large array of colors, though blues, purples, and pinks are their favorites. They usually wear a colored shirt, simple pants (usually ripped in at least one place... accidentally), and plain torn-up work boots.
Oh, also, Akira is always cold. They're never seen without some sort of jacket or coat, and usually sport a scarf as well. Seriously, it can be summer and they'll be freezing!
Akira has a lot of piercings. Pretty much every ear piercing you can imagine, they've got it. They also have a nose piercing and a stomach piercing, though they don't wear charms and things on those as religiously as they do their ears.
Aki is also rarely seen without their fingerless gloves and yin-yang necklace.
Personality (can be bullet points):
Akira is... interesting to say the least.
On one hand, they absolutely love physical activity and hanging out with friends, and, on the other hand, they'll kill you if you wake them from their evening nap. Akira is both full of energy and completely drained at the same time... They don't even understand it themself!
That weird fact aside, Akira really is a complex character. They enjoy reading and relaxing (usually in their room alone), and they're generally a very chill person to be around. At the same time, however, they can never refuse a challenge. Whether it be a game of chess or a training duel, Aki is always very determined to win, and they won't stop until they do... only to complain about being tired later.
Aki is also a very kind soul. They can befriend basically anyone just by their ability to read the room and casually start up a conversation or just sit quietly and read in the same room as someone else as an extended hand of friendship. They care very deeply about their friends and are extremely loyal. No matter what. Once you've befriended them, they've always got your back, even if it gets them into trouble.
Admittedly, they do like to show off a bit, enjoying being applauded, but they never take up too much time, and you'll rarely hear them boasting about how they're better than someone else (outside of friendly banter), even if they are. They like to win fair and square, and, in their eyes, no one's really a loser if they tried their best.
That said, Akira will absolutely snap at someone who's beating down on someone else because they didn't win a game or, worse, failed at something out of their control. Aki hates bullies and is always quick to stand up and protect those who need it. They're a big softie, really.
Also, though, Aki can definitely be lazy if there's something they don't care about. They're very smart, but they don't always try their best when it comes to boring things like math and science. Sports and English are much more their style and any other stupid subject can burn in hell. You can find them lounging around their room or some other space that's clear enough for them to lie down in.
Oh, right. Akira also has a sense of humor. A very dry sense of humor. They crack a lot of jokes, but it takes a lot of being around them for you to know when they're actually joking and when they aren't. Also, they don't mind a few pranks here and there, as long as they aren't causing any harm. If they are causing harm though, Aki will quickly shut it down. They're too protective to let anyone do anything stupid enough to hurt someone else.
Overall, Aki is a kind, competitive, somewhat lazy, and protective soul. Oh, also, they really like food.
Physical Health:
Extremely good. Akira's in amazing physical shape
Mental Health:
Aki suffers from C-PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, and moderate to severe clinical depression
Immune System:
Very good
None yet (PM me)
Ava Millar (two-year relationship, very toxic)
Howard Barneby (two-year relationship, very toxic)
**Significant Other(s):
None yet (PM me)
- A good (but healthy) challenge**Fears:
Aki's biggest fear is definitely seeing the people they care about hurt. Physically or emotionally.
Bad Habits:
Akira has a tendency to make everything a competition, even if it's not really.
Akira was born in Fidelis, and they still have some... Family (not biological) there, but, after leaving for some unstated reason, they fell out of contact with everyone.