Name: Deptherna
Name Pronunciation (If needed): dep theer nuh
Age (51-100 Years): 93
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Rank: Queen
Breed: Water type
Personality: elegant, graceful, humble, wise...
Strengths: Size; she is very old and has grown to her full size, tail as big as a tree, snout large enough to swallow entire sharks.
Weaknesses: being this old she has gone back some. She gets tired and her size is a lot to drag around on land. She has grown out of her wings, which now only enable swimming, and she can no longer fly.
Relationships: the king (obvi) otherwise open!
Affiliations: open!
Abilities: She can breath underwater, shoot harpoons from her throat made of her own bone, on land she can leak water from her scales when she is angry. The most famous time this occurred, she wasn't actually angry. It was at earth palace during a drought and she came and oozed water for the plants to drink.
Half of what I had down got deleted T-T I'm basically starting all over