Irwin Llyr
Whale Shark Merman
He/Him They/Them
Biromantic Asexeual
Irwin floats at a looming 2.1 meters {6'8} from the top of his head to the tip of his tail, weighing up around 96-105 kilograms. His skin is a fair and even tanned colour, blending darker as his human like body gives way to his dark brown scaled tail. His eyes are a striking golden amber which tends to glow a brighter yellow in dim lit areas, giving him a rather predatory look similar to a cats eyes. His hair is medium length, flowing just above his shoulder blades with waves of auburn mixed with chocolate brown colouring. A few strands of hair at the tips fade into a bright white in groups, giving his hair a speckled look to match his tail. Just below his shoulder blades, sprouting from his spine is his large dorsal fin, matching that of a whale shark, before moving to his tail which follows the same colouring as his hair and dorsal fin. He has a small notch on the top part of his tail from an encounter with a rather feisty fish while he was growing up, losing a small piece of himself to it in his attempt to flee. His cheeks are painted with dark freckles that also pass over the bridge of his nose, with his cheeks retaining a pink blush despite the cold waters.
When dry, his tail and fins will appear much darker with the white whale shark spots appearing much duller and faded. His hair will often gain alot of frizz, leaving it in a curly/wavey mess of fluff on his head similar to a Pomeranian. His fingers are adorned with reinforced black claws rather than human like nails, making it easier for him to upturn rocks and helps to tear into items such as fishing nets or flesh. Overall despite his age, he tends to resemble that of say, a 21 year old boy {Human Years}
{C} モロツヨシ @Picrew
{Closest visual}
Irwin is one of the most passive mer-folk most could hope to encounter, his lips often adorned by a dashing, warm and welcoming smile. He has an ever growing curious side to him which fills him with constant questions in need of answering, leading him to spending alot of time exploring and navigating his surroundings as he sets to learning more about the world he is apart of. His very young age considering the Mer-Folk lifespan often leaves him being considered a child still in need of protection, however he despises being scolded or coddled as a child would, rather staying away from others to show his independence.
His brain is constantly adapting seamlessly together with ideas from the humans world, better improving his lifestyle as he learns from their ways closely. He has a heart of gold, showing incredible amounts of kindness, caringness, and empathy. He particularly prefers to stick to a mostly vegetarian diet with the occasional fish when circumstances should call for such measures, despising the idea of expelling much energy in having to hunt while berries and other ocean plantation is available.
Sometimes during episodes of fear {Such as sustaining a major injury} he can show high levels of uncertainty around anyone, be they human or Mer-Folk, resulting in complete silence from him. In these episodes he will gain a strange level of silence which is most unusual for him, considering his constant questions and rambling to those around him. He often keeps up a barrier, being sure not to trust anyone and everyone simply since they pique his curiosity.
Irwin has been a fighter since the very beginning, constantly doing his best to thrive and prove himself a mighty hunter of the oceans. His mother raised him alone, with his father having vanished without a trace in his earliest years. Despite his attempts in excelling at hunting or battle, Irwin's talents have shown him to be better suited in foraging, tracking and other scouting behaviours. He soends most of his time away from home, exploring more of the ocean around them and even occasionally taking trips to the surface where he has had some rather close encounters with humans.
During one of these encounters he learnt from the sailor that drew too near that his size alone was intimidating in itself, causing the human great fear of being harmed or worse by Irwin's hand. It was also at this time that Irwin developed a new curiosity around humans, always fascinated by their behaviours, their tools, their ways of life. Over the years he's picked up on some of their habits and traits, learning to craft spears from ocean debris to aid in hunting and creating makeshift traps with net fragments.
Studying ocean life and surface life
{Mammals, birds, and the humans.}
Creating new items.
Foraging and exploring various terrains on the ocean floors.
Swimming long distance.
Sunbathing on shores or rocks that breach the surface of the water.
Human hunters/poachers.
Incredibly deep dark waters.
{Around levels you would find Angler fish and such.}
{The sound and light can be incredibly disorienting to him and his eyes, causing dizzy spells and headaches.}
{The water's become far too cold for his liking.}
{He loves getting to slack off to explore and such, never caring much for rules or safety. Having to actually put effort into jobs important, or not, bores him greatly.}
Theme Song:
{City of Tears -by Christopher Larkin}
"Don't you ever wonder how much we're missing out on down here? There's a whole new world out there and we can't begin to imagine the possibilities. We choose to simply focus on our survival but that's not living! Living is getting out there and seeing what there is to offer!"
N/A {Pm Me!}