
Name: Mavka The Dead Age: 3 years old Gender: Female Pack: None Rank: Dispersal Desired Rank: Content.. for now Appearance: [credit to Lakela on DA.] Mavka is simply a stunning she-wolf. Her presence alone is commanding and radiating. She stands at just 29 inches at the shoulder, carrying herself with an innate grace and athleticism. Her lithe frame is built for agility, and she moves with a lightness of step that belies her developing strength. Her dark eyes hold a mesmerizing allure, akin to pools of liquid darkness. They are not quite brown nor black, but rather a rich, deep hue that defies easy categorization. They possess an almost hypnotic quality, drawing observers into their depths with an irresistible allure. In the dim light of the forest, they gleam with an otherworldly intensity The she-wolf's coat is a marvel to behold, each individual strand of fur is soft and downy. As she moves, the fluffy white fur ripples like waves upon a frozen lake, shimmering in the pale sunlight filtering through the trees. Flecks of silver and cream dance amidst the pristine white. It is as if she carries the very essence of the snow-covered landscape within her, blending seamlessly with her surroundings like a ghost of the winter forest. Around her muzzle, there are patchs of lesser fur, where the scars of battles past have left their mark. Mavka’s coat is not only a marvel of color but also of texture. Her fur is dense, soft, and velvety to the touch. She takes great care of her pelt, giving it a shiny look. Personality: Mavka is a complex character. She is hot one moment and cold the next. Her temperament is a nuanced blend of serenity and occasional unpredictability. Mavka’s mean streak is a pretty dominant aspect of her character, she is known for her mean disposition that casts a shadow over her interactions. Her demeanor exudes a coldness that often keeps others at a distance, as she navigates the world with a sense of guarded hostility. She seems to take pleasure in asserting dominance and isn't hesitant to display a mean streak when faced with challenges or opposition. She doesn't shy away from a fight and readily embraces her aggressive instincts when the situation demands it. This aggressive demeanor contributes to her reputation as a powerful and imposing presence. Confidence radiates from Mavka in a steady, unwavering stream. Her self-assuredness borders on arrogance, making her a forceful personality in any setting. This confidence is not easily shaken, further solidifying her status as a dominant figure. Boldness is inherent in Mavka nature, as she fearlessly confronts challenges head-on. Her bold approach to life makes her a trailblazer, unafraid to venture into the unknown and face whatever obstacles come her way. This boldness is a driving force that propels her through the complexities of her existence. Her confident demeanor and strong sense of self-worth empower her to tackle situations head-on, standing firm in the face of adversity. Mavka often exudes an icy aloofness. She keeps her distance from others, rarely forming close bonds, and is known to respond to inquiries or greetings with a dismissive silence. Her moral compass is unyielding and unforgiving. Mavka can be harsh in her judgments, quick to condemn perceived wrongdoers, and she rarely extends a second chance. Mavka is utterly unforgiving. She never forgets a slight, a betrayal, or an injustice. Every perceived wrong is etched into her memory. Safe to say, she knows how to hold a grudge. In moments of anger, Mavka can exhibit a calculated cruelty. She may use her vast knowledge of weaknesses to verbally wound or emotionally manipulate those who have earned her disdain. Needless to say, Mavka has venomous personality traits. Her temper is volatile and unpredictable. Her fury is as unpredictable as a lightning strike. She can transition from serenity to tempestuous rage in the blink of an eye. When provoked, Mavka's anger is like a raging tempest, consuming all reason and restraint. Her usually graceful movements transform into violent, destructive outbursts. Mavka's tongue is as sharp as her claws. She hurls cutting insults and stabbing remarks at those who dare provoke her. When Mavka's temper flares, her decisions seem to become more decisive and cruel. She never regrets her decisions, very steadfast and firm in them. After particularly violent fits of anger, Mavka often retreats into solitary isolation to regain her composure. Moments later, she’ll reappear as if nothing happened. Crush: Open Mate: Open Pups: Maybe open? Kin: Open Affiliations: Other: Edited at February 21, 2024 11:14 PM by The Bewitched

Reserving a Pack Member & Dispersal Wolf for now

Name: Sikúnguaĸ Age: 4 Years Old Gender: Male Pack: The Glacial Pack Rank: Pack Member Desired Rank: Beta Male Or Something Higher Appearance: Stock Image. Credits To Wincey @ DA  This young male stands at an impressive thirty-six inches in height, dwarfing most of his companions - rarely has he found a wolf as tall as him. He's quite tall in size, and he has a nice set of muscles on him as well - them showing his strength and youth. When it comes to his build, one can say he's quite a perfect balance. His height giving him an advantage as he can take longer strides, making it easier to catch up with fleeing prey. And with his usual weight being 128 and if he's been eating good he can bulk up to 142 - so he can easily slide between being a tank, using his size and strength against another or being right at that medium - able to utilize both speed and strength. He's very useful in hunting situations, able to keep pace with slimmer and quicker wolves - though of course, he can and will be outdone by those blessed with swifter feet. Yet, he's also able to help those on the heavier side if needed, and also hold his own against tougher prey - whilst waiting for help to arrive. He's also a rather long and limber wolf, being seven feet from nose to tail. It's easy to say he's rather robustly build, having a healthy and strong appearance to him - it's speculated he's descended from MacKenzie Valley Wolves, known for their large build - but that's just rumors you know. His head is a bit larger and rounder than most wolves you see, and not to mention his slightly shortened ears and his rather thicker and more obtuse muzzle. If one were to describe his fur, they could easily describe it as fresh winter snow. His fur is rather pleasing to look at - the male being almost pure alabaster in coloration . The only imperfection is the slight cream around both of his ears, otherwise one could say he was a white wolf. It can be said that this young male is quite the looker, not only because of his well-muscled build and healthy appearance but also the lucious fur he possesses. It's quite humorous as it makes him appear larger than he already is. It's no secret his fur is very thick, and he has quite a lot of it. It definitely could make a girl jealous, and not to mention if one were to touch it - it's rather soft. So soft it could lead to envy from others. His fur is particularly thick and extra noticeable around his face, as it comes out around it - giving him a rather stoic and handsome look. Not to mention, his fur is also rather bushy - particularly his tail, he has a rather thick and bushy tail and it's very soft to lay on. Overall, his fur is fairly healthy and well-groomed, he doesn't like to have a messy appearance as it would reflect badly on him. It's not uncommon to see him grooming his fur with a pinecone or cleaning dirty fur in a stream. He prides himself on his appearance, and he will make sure he is up to his personal high standards when it comes to that. It's also worth mentioning that in the winter times, this male is extrafluffy. If it isn't already noticeable, this male takes pride in his appearance, along with how he is portrayed to the world. Most would agree that their is an tantalizing aura of mystery that surrounds him. He walks with confidence - his shoulders straight, his posture to ultimate perfection, and standing at his proper height. Walking with grace and elegance - even for someone of his height, it can be said that when he walks, he actually floats. His steps being airy and silent, and to most - quite eerie. He's known to pop up out of no where - but not on purpose half the time. He also has his quite interesting eyes - they are could be classified as an amber color, but their is a darker vermillion hue to his eyes - yet, at times it can appear like liquid honey to those looking at them. If you observe closely you can see the dark golden color of his eyes and the around his pupil you notice the light-brown, almost shimmering ring around it. And then you notice the darker reddish-yellow hue as well, that can grow quite brilliant underneath lighting. Personality: The first thing you notice about this young male is the chilly aura that surrounds him. His passive, and rather at times - unfriendly looking face . Their is a certain stoicism to this young male, he always bears a calm yet passive demeanor- rarely if ever letting any other emotion show on his face. He can be quite chilly, with sharp glares and rather quick to show his fangs if needed or he doesn't want you around - most agree that he's quite a prickly fellow to try and get close to. He's one to stick to the shadows he loves so much, observe and watch from the background without you even noticing - taking in information and filing it away for himself . He's very observant, one to try and understand others by watching them engage with others. Now it's true, he does fancy being alone and taking time for himself, but he is by no means shy. If you try and talk to him, you will get a conversation out of him, whether it be pleasant - will be up to what you are talking about. He absolutely hates small talk, it's so boring and cliché, if you're discussing something more exciting then you can peak his interest in the subject . Now, it is to be noted, he can be a bit blunt with his words, and they can come across as harsh but for the most part he means well, you'll know when he truly means to insult or rile someone up. He's not one to sugarcoat things, if you want the truth - he will give it to you plain and simple, he doesn't like to beat around the bush, or to overdo things. He's the friend that can be a bit of an ass, but he will keep it straight and honest with you. He's also not one to warm up to new people within a group, and he has certain talent for being able to read others emotionally and mentally, and it can lead to him either liking you or him despising you. If you don't pass the "vibe check" the he's not rocking with you, and he has very few people that he does rock with. This young canine is a rather hard worker, any task assigned to him, he will do to the best of his ability to make you proud. He can be rather passionate about things - always looking to improve and better himself, be it mentally or physically. He's still growing , and has a lot to learn - one thing is, he's confident in himself and he'll be damned if anyone tried fo brush him off just because of his age. He may be young but his mind is well beyond his years, he's rather wise as well, one to think before he acts. After all every action has a consequence and it depends on him whether it is good or bad . He's sharp and calculating- always thinking of a plan and backup plan, sometimes he can even overthink or over analyze a situation. He likes peace and quiet, to be alone with his thoughts at times to process things - he absolutely dislikes loud and rambunctious energy around him when he's trying to meditate or just plain think. He's rather solitary and likes his alone time and he isn't too keen on it being disrupted by others. It can be said that this young male rarely if ever gets upset ; annoyed? bugged ? Sure, but just plan mad is a rare emotion on him. It takes a lot for someone to truly upset him for him to be angry. When it comes to anger, there is one thing to surely gain his anger ; mess with his family . And this is any shape or form - whether it be through slandering their name , gossiping or spreading rumors about a family member, or just plain being a ass to them. This male has a very protective nature for those he cares for, and that includes his family and close friends. His anger is a cold and simmering one, one that chills to the bone before devouring you while . His words will be venomous and without pity, after all you hurt or made his family or friend upset so you will have to face his wrath. This young male is a skilled fighter ; not above being physical - and that includes pushing, shoving, snapping and ripping at you. He does his best to try and drop hints of displeasure whether it be the pinning of his ears, a swish of his tail, or a slight snarl or growl escaping him. The most obvious is an annoyed or irritated glare in your direction. Now while he may be quiet, he is by no means shy - he's just selective of the people he associates with. That means if you think you'll be getting away with shit-talking him to his face then you're wrong - he can and will insult you back in the most creative way, and his words will sting. He's rather snarky and a bit of a bitch when you bad mouth him - honestly did you think he was going to just take it? It can also be said he's rather vindictive and vengeful when pushed to that point, especially when it involves family - now he has thick skin and can brush off insults but that doesn't mean he forgets what's said to him . No, he remembers everything and everyone whose wronged him and if he decided to act out of spite then he will, and he's patient about planning your downfall. Most don't know but he's rather coersive at times, and can use charm and a smidge of manipulation to his advantage and no one would even bat an eye. Yes, he can and will plan your downfall if your hurt his family and no one would be able to trace it to him - after all he's rather good with tying up loose ends. Crush: TBD Mate: TBD Pups: Open To Being A Single Dad Kin: TBD Affiliations: Other: Edited at February 21, 2024 07:00 PM by Spellbound

Name: Lykhtkk Means "bad weather"; derived from Nivkh lykh. This name was used on baby girls born on days of inclement weather. Age: Four Years Old Gender: Female Pack: Not A Pack Wolf Rank: Dispersal Wolf Desired Rank: She's Content But Leading A Small Pack Would Be Nice Appearance: A medium sized wolf at 1.6 meters in length from her nose to tail. She stands 2.0 feet at the withers, but she's tall for a female. Her coat is white mixed with tinges of silver and a few gray strands. The consistency of the fur is quite thick and healthy, and the female makes sure it's always clean with consistent grooming and mantince. Her nose is black in color. Her optics are a striking amber/reddish color against the usually yellowish-brown colors that those with white fur have. Her legs are long and slender as is her physical appearance making it seems like she's always in a hurry somewhere, and it also makes her quite nimble and agile. Her paws are quite large and dainty, but her claws are quite long and curved at the tips, but she keeps them sharp and are deadly tools for hunting.  Stock Images. All Images Credits to Dark-Wolfs-Stock Personality: Do you see how she shines? Can you hear her heart of pure gold? How the honey seeps through her voice - how caldor runs through her veins. A soul, naturally kind and empathetic to all : no matter the cost. One who would suffer for you, rather than see you suffer. One who would throw herself to take a blow, even if it meant the ending of her own life. She views it as a disease - a disease, called empathy. In her heart, she knows she would give every last drop of her blood if it could save the soul of one she loved. A female, who would take a wounded and tortured soul - and mend and heal them even to her detriment. One who would give until she couldn't give anymore. A canine that would sacrifice herself for the greater good - she with a heart full of courage can be quite self-destructive. One that doesn't know her full worth - she knows she's worthy, but exactly how worthy is she? Her mind always swirling with malignent thoughts. Ones that frighten and anger her, it seems something is lurking beneath this kind and honorable exterior - something vicious and cold , something that would tear apart her soul. They say the eyes are the window into the soul - well it seems this soul is pure and delicate, yet one would have to look deeper within her to find the buried side of her. This female - with her warm and inviting eyes, her honied voice and sense of charm brights light and laughter whereever she goes. It seems she finds herself at the center of attention, while it make appear she basks and enjoys it - she finds it suffocating. Something that makes her want to retreat and hide. Yes, she may attract attention, yet she doesn't like a lot of it. Something aout other around her sends chills down her spine, makes her unnerved. Maybe it's a natural skepticism of others? This female isn't easy to trust others, no - she just doesn't wear her heart out on her sleeve. Why should she - being overly kind makes you a target - one easily expoitable, and she doesn't need others toying with said heart, she's had it broken and shattered many times and it's - tiring - tiring to find the scattered pieces and bring her heart together because someone was so careless as to take a fragile thing and break it. Yes, she is kind and empathetic. She is selfless and aimable, but that's if she trusts you. Naturally, she wouldn't dare be impolite if she hasn't found an offence with you, but if she does then her voice will be more clipped with you. And there will be a certain level of judgement within her eyes, ones that callously scan over you. Oh, yes, she is opinionated and feels strongly about certain things, and isn't afraid to tell you. While she can be tactful and mildly speak her displeasure, there is a side in which she will bluntly set you aright - but you must really annoy - no, agrivate her to this point. For her to make friends with others that seem unplesant, they must've done something to make her see through them. Yes, she has a keen eye - one always watch, asorbing every little detail she sees. It's quite uncommon for her to miss out on something. 
They say the brightest smiles have endured deep darkness. And their is something dark and monsterous hidden deep within the female. She always wasn't so kind and forthgiving - she was angry at the world, cold as ice. Her golden heart had been full of tar, a soul so dark it seemed no redemption for it could be found. Yet - she was resilient, she fought against these desires, ones that made her a less desirable creature. One that could be quite coniving and malicious - a female who would destroy anything in her way, and would sacrifice the world for acceptance. Maybe it's a deep rooted desire for affection when it wasn't given or a desire for love when she was told she'd be unlovable for her monstorus nature. Love and power are quite a funny thing to her. Love - is something she gives only to a select few. It is an unconditional love, one that wouldn't care if this person was a tyrant or godforsaken murderer, they would be hers , and only hers. It can turn into a dark obsession if the cards are played wrong - one that can lead to gentle and subtle manipulation, because she would do anything for them, but she's also not a fool. Who's to say she isn't a little - off ? Now when it comes to power, she quite enjoys the thought of it. Who wouldn't enjoy a lofty position? She isn't one to be overly ambitious, but the monstrous part of her is. Amibition is something she has kept in check within her - she knows if she lets it take control, then she'd be hellbent on controlling everything she could, and being the best. There would be no room in her heart for anything or anyone, and this side of her terrifies her. This female is loyal - loyal to the fact that she knows every rule and regulation by heart. She is loyal to the matter, that she'd never betray her home, or those around her she trusts. However, she isn't one to bow at a whim, she must have respect for you - she must find you worthy in her eyes. Yes, she won't disobey superiors, but she doesn't like being lower than them. In her actions and mannerisms, she's content and happy with her role, but she in a way does desire something grander. If she were to ever achieve a higher rank, she would hold that rank with grace and class. As of now, she appreciates the superiors and stays in her lane. She doesn't apprecite members of the same rank ordering her around, and she will express it with a clear sign. Be it a flash of her fangs, a quick paw swipe, or plain ignoring them. They are on the same level, and she treats them like it, those below her are different. She is one to not tolerate disrespect from anyone - even higher ranks, but of course her tounge remains shut, however if someone lower than her disrespected her then she'd find some way to vent: whether she finds pummeling them helpful, speaking in a venomous manner, or just plain waiting to scare the shit out of them. Even the most benevolent souls, have a vindictive side when they're at their limits. She's trying to remain positive and upbeat but, something's changing. Something is unraveling within her, a monster that has been nourished - one that's ready to bear it's fangs. Crush: TBD Mate: None Pups: None Kin: TBD Affiliations: Other: Edited at February 22, 2024 06:03 PM by Spellbound

Name: Achlys AK-lis Age: 5 years. Gender: Female. Pack: Glacial Pack. Rank: Beta Female. Desired Rank: Content. Appearance: Aurelio isn't a wolf to be toyed with. She's narcissistic and lowbred, treating everyone as if they are slaves. Aurelio is a typical proportioned female, but this doesn't halt her from being cruel and sadistic to those who tread in her path. Her shoulders top at thirty-one inches tall, and her length reaching six feet and one inch from her shining black nose to the tip of her cotton-furred tail. She often weighs about one hundred pounds, give or take a few depending on what she's consumed recently. A few pounds may come from the silky and kempt multicolored fur that covers her body, almost appearing as if she has two layers of pelt.  Personality: Affilations: Open- PM me! Kin: None. Crush: TBA. Mate: TBA. Pups: None. Other: WIP (C) CastleGraphics on DA for all Images. Edited at February 22, 2024 08:35 PM by Matunda

Name: Kiana meaning: "divine" in Inupiaq --- Age: Four Gender: Female Pack: Glacial Pack Rank: Pack Member Desired Rank: Not Picky Appearance: Kiana stands at a solid height of 34 and a half inches. Tall and lithe, the female is best suited for speed, stealth, and agility rather than strength. With a slender build, her power lies in hunting and tracking, specifically, tiring down prey and beginning the hunt instead of delivering the final blow. While balanced in that resort, and while having decent muscle, Kiana must rely heavily on her speed in physical fights over anything else and prioritizes it. In terms of her coat, the female indeed has white fur, though it leans on the cooler side. Bits of grey may be seen freckled around her coat, especially upon her neck and hind legs. The same may be said for her face, which has a small, hidden layer of frey upon it. Kiana rarely appears cream or tan, her coat moreso appearing a light grey or a cool white. Her eyes are perhaps the most noticeable thing about her. They appear to be a light grey, complimenting her coat. She is one that holds intense eye-contact, no matter the situation and seems to stare at others as if gazing into their soul. In addition, her vocal tone is lower and almost raspy, and a few scars litter her body due to hunting incidents of small spars. However, none appear overly noticeable unless truly inspecting her. Kiana carries herself with confidence and height, her head always raised and her gaze straightened. Personality: Eccentric || Driven and Determined || Competitive || Free-Spirited || Spontaneous || Quick-Thinker || Risk-Taker || Blunt || Sarcastic || Flirtatious || Cunning || Gets The Job Done || Keen Eye For Detail || Observant and Perceptive
Kiana is an overall captivating individual with a series of traits that makes her enigmatic and eccentric. A bit of an oddity, her mannerisms and behaviour sets her apart slightly. She exudes an aura of unpredictability and is known to engage in random rituals or habits, such as collecting unusual trinkets from outings or wandering during the night. Regardless, she has unconventional tastes and interests. She has a tendency to see the world through a unique lens, often coming up with unconventional solutions to problems that others may overlook. Her creativity knows no bounds, and she's not afraid to embrace her offbeat ideas, even if they raise eyebrows or elicit confusion from those around her. Kiana has a knack for making even the most mundane moments feel extraordinary. She is an observer and pays attention to detail, and so this allows her to never overlook the small things in life. In addition, she is driven and determined. Kiana approaches every challenge with focus and ambition. She sets her sights on her goals and pursues them relentlessly, refusing to let obstacles deter her. Her competitive nature fuels her desire to excel, constantly pushing herself to be the best in whatever she undertakes. With a free-spirited soul, Kiana is unbound by several restrictions, preferring to follow her instincts and whims. She embraces spontaneity, often finding herself drawn to new adventures and experiences without hesitation. A quick-thinker by nature, she thrives in fast-paced environments, effortlessly adapting to changing circumstances with agility and grace. She is also a risk-taker at heart. Kiana isn't afraid to step outside her comfort zone, and is an overall quick-thinker. Her blunt and sarcastic wit also adds an edge to her personality, often catching others off guard with her sharp tongue. Despite her bold exterior, Kiana possesses a playful and flirtatious side towards others, effortlessly charming those around her with her charisma and confidence. Yet beneath her lighthearted demeanor lies a cunning intellect, always calculating her next move with precision and foresight. When it comes to getting the job done, Kiana is efficient and effective. She has a keen eye for detail, leaving no stone unturned in her pursuit of perfection. Her observant and perceptive nature allows her to anticipate obstacles before they arise, giving her a strategic advantage in any situation. Crush: Perhaps. Mate: Later Pups: None Kin: Edurne [Played by Imperial Sands] - Sister
Affiliations: Edurne - Sister and Littermate Kiana is very close to Edurne and has deep a loyalty, as well as love for her sister. She would do anything for her and would run to her the moment she is needed, no matter how grand nor minuscule the situation. If Edurne desired the coat off of Kiana's back, she would find a way to give it to her sister in an instance. There is no request that she would refuse, no favour that she would dispute. She holds a deep respect for Edurne, and is the first to defend her or pursue any task that her sister needs completing. Atka The walking embodiment of a yawn, there is no individual that bores Kiana more than Atka does. His perfectionist act is enough to put one to sleep, not to mention his slow, calculated decisions. It has always irked her. While there is no denying that he is intelligent, his approach to situations often results in banter and disputes. When passing him, Kiana will never pass up throwing some words his way, whether it be a light insult, or a passive aggressive comment regarding his choices, the female always seems to have something to say. These arguments of theirs seems to have always existed, and are something that Kiana finds rather entertaining. At this point, it's like their own, personal little game. However, while he gets on her nerves and can be insufferable, Kiana would still be there for him when needed. After all, the male helps keep her stable in her times of spontaneity. Truthfully, beneath her feelings of annoyance towards him, there are deeper emotions that she isn't prepared to confront.
Other: Image: ma8201 on DA Edited at February 22, 2024 07:40 PM by Tenebris Umbra

Name: Atka King Age: 4 years old Gender: Male Pack: Glacial Pack Rank: Beta Desired Rank: Content Appearance: [credits to khalliysgraphy on DA] Atka is truly a colossal presence among wolves, standing at an astonishing 36 inches at the shoulder. His sheer size is a spectacle in the wild, often making those who encounter him gasp in awe and in horror. His burly and muscular build is even more pronounced, and he appears like a living embodiment of strength and dominance. His chest and shoulders are exceptionally broad, the power in his frame is evident as his muscles ripple beneath his thick, charcoal-gray fur. Atka' legs are powerfully built, with thickly muscled thighs and calves, providing him with unmatched agility and speed despite his immense size. His paws are enormous, padded with strong, calloused soles with the long, sharp claws on the ends. Atka' most captivating and mesmerizing feature is undoubtedly his glowing orange eyes. Atka' eyes are not just orange; they seem to emit a soft, otherworldly glow, like the flickering flames of a campfire. Atka's charcoal-gray fur serves as the canvas for a natural masterpiece. Its primary black hue is painted with various other hues. Upon closer inspection, hints of silver and charcoal shimmer. These silver accents dance amidst the darker streaks that meander through his fur. Personality: Atka approaches life with a disciplined and balanced mindset, skillfully navigating its intricate challenges with poise and grace. His patient and composed demeanor serve as steadfast pillars of strength, instilling a sense of calm in even the most turbulent of situations. Whether faced with setbacks or triumphs, he maintains an unwavering equilibrium, a testament to his inner resilience and fortitude. Rooted in a deep-seated competitive spirit, he tackles his endeavors with relentless determination, refusing to be deterred by obstacles along the way. Motivated by a profound sense of purpose, he channels boundless energy and unwavering focus into the pursuit of his goals, forging ahead with unwavering resolve. Confidence radiates effortlessly from Atka, casting him in the role of a natural-born leader. His innate charisma and magnetic presence inspire those around him to rally behind his vision, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. Possessing a keen intellect and analytical prowess, he approaches decision-making with meticulous precision, carefully weighing the risks and rewards before taking decisive action. Yet, beneath his composed exterior lies a warmth and approachability that draw others to him, building genuine connections with mutual trust and respect. Despite occasional moments of stubbornness, his loyalty to his loved ones remains engrained in him, as he stands as a protective guardian in their times of need, earning him the admiration and devotion of those fortunate enough to call him friend. Reliability is not just a trait but a defining characteristic of Atka's persona, emboldened with an unwavering work ethic and meticulous attention to detail. Whether in professional endeavors or personal commitments, he approaches each task with a sense of duty and dedication that is second to none. His directness and assertiveness, though sometimes perceived as blunt, stem from a strong sense of independence and self-assurance. His charm and good humor lighten the atmosphere, while his flirtatious nature adds an element of intrigue. Driven by an unyielding pursuit of perfection and guided by intuition, Atka fearlessly ventures into the unknown, unafraid to take calculated risks in pursuit of his dreams. His bravery knows no bounds, as he fearlessly confronts challenges head-on, drawing strength from his unwavering resolve. Possessing a keen intellect and a wisdom that belies his years, he navigates life's complexities with ease, his patience and sharp-mindedness guiding him through even the most turbulent of times. In every endeavor, he remains focused and determined, leaving an indelible mark as a leader, protector, and confidant, his legacy a testament to the indomitable spirit that defines him. Crush: Potentially Mate: Open Pups: None Kin: Open Affiliations: Kiana This she-wolf is one who gets under his skin. He can't stand how quick she is to jump into risks. Her impulsiveness was like a sharp contrast to his own calculated approach. Yet, something in him admires her spontaneity, her free-spirit, her will to enjoy life without being embarrassed. She possesses this lightness to her spirit, which is something Atka enjoys very much. As much as he hates to admit it, their bickering had become a highlight of his day. Almost to the point where he actively tries to run in Kiana, just to hear her sass at him. Despite all of this, he knows Kiana is someone he can count on, both in loyalty and someone to keep him in check. Secretly, he enjoys watching this eccentric she-wolf, she keeps him on his toes, creating a sense of excitement whenever the two interact. In Kiana's own unique way, she keeps him grounded. Other Edited at February 22, 2024 06:19 PM by The Bewitched

Name:Arnar; Yes, you can call him Arnie. Age:5 Years Gender:Male Pack:None Rank:Dispersal Male Desired Rank:He's unsure. Appearance: Credit Belongs to Lakela on DA. This is a Stock Image.
Personality:TBA - WIP
Crush:He's a Dispersal. All Females are His Crush. Mate:None Pups:None Kin:None, Maybe Open to a Brother Affiliations:None Other: Edited at February 21, 2024 10:29 PM by Imperial Sands

Reserving a dispersal and pack member please! Edited at February 22, 2024 09:20 AM by Lost Love
