- f u l l . n a m e -
Callahan Kennedy Beckerson
- n i c k n a m e -
- a g e -
20 years
- g e n d e r -
Male / Masculine
- p r o n o u n s -
He / They
- s e x u a l i t y -
- r o l e / y e a r -
Student / Third Year
- a p p e a r a n c e -
Callahan is a tall individual, standing at 6'1" with a lithe but not quite lanky build, and a confideht but casual posture. He slouched ever so slightly, but not enough to be considered a gamer slouch quite yet. His hair is kept between long and short, enough to keep it in a small ponytail but not enough to go below his shoulders if let down. Callahan's eyes are a milk chocolate color, sometimes appearing closer to an amber if in the right sunlight and during the summer season. His skin is slightly tanned, closer to an olive tone, however some freckles along his nose bridge are a darker pigment than the rest of his skin making them quite apparent. It's a light dusting, nothing too clustered or overbearing and doesn't stray to below his eyes. This makes clothing is usually on the more casual side, from jackets over simple colored or striped shirts to a fun looking sweater of some kind. He has a small scar on the inside of his wrist from a riding accident when he was small, however it's very faded and hard to spot unless you actively look for it. Callahan has a simple black stud in his right ear, and a black leather band around his right wrist that fits a little snuggly with white stitching around the edges. In warmer seasons it's common to see him carrying around sunglasses when he's not riding. His boots, riding helmet, and gloves are black in color.
- p e r s o n a l i t y -
- upbeat - positive - laid back - glass half full kind of guy - knows how to take initiative - quick on his feet - responsible - empathetic - reckless - you only live once - hardworking - try hard - extroverted - social - high energy - mediator more than an instigator - prankster - honest - sticks strong to his morals - protective - won't take sides - doesn't believe in true good or bad - perceptive - "wanna talk about it?" - not his problem until you start venting, then he'll try and help how he can - curious - adventurous - likes trying new things - logical more than emotion - wears his heart on his sleeve - blunt - takes advice well - doesn't take many things to heart - easy to win his loyalty, hard to keep it - there's always more to the story
- p r e f e r r e d . c l a s s e s -
Dressage and Western
- d i s c i p l i n e -
- e x p e r i e n c e . l e v e l -
Somewhere between Advanced and Experienced
- c r u s h -
- s i g n i f i c a n t . o t h e r -
- b a c k s t o r y -
Wouldn't you like to know?
- o t h e r -
Stall 12 if I may?
- s h o w . n a m e -
SPK I've Got the Groove
- b a r n . n a m e -
- a g e -
4 years
- g e n d e r -
- b r e e d s -
American Paint Horse x Lipizzan
- a p p e a r a n c e -
Sunny is an average sized horse, nothing impressive but nothing small either. His official height is 15.3hh, a bit on the taller side considering his two mixed breeds, and his coat carries the appearance of both his Paint Horse side and lipizzaner heritage. He is a very sturdy yet graceful looking horse, with long legs and a smooth even stride, and while riding him Sunny prefers to keep his head down. Now, in terms of coat colors he is a dapple grey stallion, with a white coat and dark grey dappling on his rump and the front of his neck and a grey and pink muzzle. Traces of his paint side can be seen throughout his coat by his some dappling is broken up at the edges or even through the middle with what looks like the same white as his coat, giving the appearance of weird dappled patches that don't quite blend in some places. Sunny's eyes are a rich dark brown, and his mane is a blonde, almost white color. His mane and tail are usually kept unbraided, but a small patch of his mane can always be seen in a thin braid.
- p e r s o n a l i t y -
shy - nervous - curious - disciplined - quiet - independent - doesn't follow the herd - attentive - easy to spook - smart - graceful - self preservative - everybody for themselves - clingy to those he's close to - mostly willing - tentative - good memory - sensitive mouth - well mannered with people - threatens to bite other horses or does all he can to avoid them - keeps his distance - bucks like a bronco after jumping anything taller than his chest - adaptable - quick learner - not food motivated - loves water and ear scratches
- d i s c i p l i n e -
Mainly Dressage
Knows the basics in Western
- s i r e -
Viridian's Honorable Wish
- d a m -
SPK Apocalypse at the Disco
- m a t e -
No mares currently
- f o a l s -
Currently not expecting any
- b a c k s t o r y -
Sunny is a somewhat young and inexperienced horse that Callahan is using for the first time this year, mostly due to the fact that his old mare, SPK Swath of Moonlight, passed away from some health complications two months ago. The stallion was bought from an auction at his previous home, and while his training was complete he has yet to enter into any competitions and seems green. Callahan doesn't feel like he's completely moved on from her, but he's unwilling to give up while in his third year at the University so he's determined to see this through. Even if it's not with his girl. Sunny and Callahan are still getting used to each other, so they're slowly working things out but a positive bond is definitely forming.
- o t h e r -