Name: Irma Tail
Gender: Girl
Age: 14
Role: Tir Na Betha inhabitant
Rank: Teen/farmer
Appearence: Irma is about 6'ft tall. She is has lean muscle, and she has a very light tan, plus she has alot of freckles. She gained from all of those from bein practically raised outside. She has long brown hair that has natural highlights that are from her hair being sunbleached from the sun. she usually keeps her hair in a braid, ponytail, or down. She can be seen wearing a straw hat, t-shirt and jeans.
Spirit animal: aligator
Spirit animal's name: Chomper
pearsonality: she is street smart, self-reliant, and ruthless at some times if it comes down to it. She can be nice when she wants to be. And she has been none to win alot of fights, though most of the time she doesn't start them, most of the time that is. She has a problem of hiding her feelings, and not let anyone see what is going on inside her mind or what she is feeling. So she seems heartless, and cruel, but realy she just sees showing emotions as a weakness.
Weakness: she can care to much, but she doesn't show it. She can't stand anything emotional, so she normally doesn't get close to people of any sort, except for her brother Abel
Skills: she can swim, fight, run, and she can be smart when she wants to be.
Opinion: she doesn't care, but if she encounters one it probably won't end well for the introuder
Crush: open
Other: Land of life
Spirit animal form:
Gender: Boy
Age: Same as human
Role:Spirit animal
Rank: Same as human
Apperance: He is about 12'ft long, and weighs about 475 pounds of pure muscle. He is a dark gray, with a lighter inder belly, and yellowish stripes running down his back and tail. He also has light green spots, and gold swirls on his back, tail, and legs.
Species: Alligator
Human's Name: Irma
Personallity: He is quiet, calm, protective of those close to him, but layed back at the same time. He is pretty smart for a gator. He loves to have fun. (other than those, him and Irma share most of their personality traits.)
Weakness: Hates slime, bugs, and hills
Skills: Swimming, fighting, hunting, eating, talking.
Opinion; Doesn't really care
Crush: Same as owners (owners crush's spirit animal)
Affiliation: None
other: Land Of Life