Right so, here we are.
I didn't see anything like this when searching, but who knows.
Similar games are the OC Question game and the Rate the Pack Name Above game.
What we do is give a rating out of 1-10 for the name of the OC or character mentioned above
For Example:
Player 1: Kip!
Player 2: 3/10, kinda nice because it's short but also a little too plain for my taste.
If you character has the same name as one just mentioned, automatically take 2 off your rating
Be nice
You MUST provide another name for people to rate, if you don't then the next player can skip over you and rate the previous name.
You must own the OC you're mentioning, you can't enter a friends, for instance.
You may only rate the newest provided name, if you take one from earlier in the game, your turn will be skipped.
You do not need to list what the character is (human, canine, feline, etc.), that's a personal choice and should have no effect on the rating
Please do not break the chain of the game just to reply to something somebody said.
Simple, right?
Go ahead, don't be shy to rate 'em
Let's start with me, I'll be Player 1 here..
Kato :3