
Claim 100 mush I can grant- Paws Food A postive comment

food! i can grant: 15 food 15 mush a peice of art (if chosen, please tell me what you want it to be)

Claim a peice of art I can grant, 100 mush 15 feedings Bird art(if you choose this then i am warning you that it might not be very good)

Claim 100 mush -- I can grant- Free feedings (up to 5). A friend. A paws up. A small and simple peice of art for free. A discount (10%) in my art auction shop and potential interactive adoptables shop thing. A free breeding with any of my wolves (male or female, you get all pups). Edited at March 17, 2020 10:50 AM by Clear Skies

Clear Skies said: Claim 100 mush -- I can grant- Free feedings (up to 5). A friend. A paws up. A small and simple peice of art for free. A discount (10%) in my art auction shop and potential interactive adoptables shop thing. A free breeding with any of my wolves (male or female, you get all pups).
Claim The free breeding! ------------ I can grant: Friendship Paws or Health potion

Claim Paws! ------------ I can grant: Paws Free breeding to any female (you get all but I get to choose one and it will not be the highest rarity) or 5 character points (free) Edited at March 18, 2020 07:36 PM by wolfkonda

Claim paws I can grant: 100 mush Spring water(relic) Moose(food) A free breeding to any male wolf in my den(you get all pups)

Claim 100 Mush I can grant: Paws + Positive Comment Breeding to any Male in my den 10 Free Feedings Free Pup from one of my females when they give birth

Claim feedings I can grant Paws Deer with 5 feedings Any pup thats in my den for free(so that means choose a max of 1 pup and the only wolves in my den that are not pups are the alphas)

Claim paws I can grant Paws Food 5 mush