Canto (Càn-toe)
6 Years
Stolen Herd
Herd Mare

Canto is a rather light colored mare, with a gold champagne colored coat and white markings along her neck, all 4 of her legs, and torso. Her mane is a mixture of white and a beautiful blond-like colors, a small patch of darker in time colored mane right before her ears and in a shade of slight brown. While she usually Carry's herself with low confidence or tentativeness, that doesn't stop her stride from being all the more graceful. She has a thick white colored blaze that fades from her pink and grey colored muzzle stopping a bit above her eyes and being partly covered by her long silky mane. Her structure is rather lean, standing about 16.1 hands tall and is about the same height as her sister Kano. A scar is across her muzzle from a quarrel she got in with a predator protecting Nezri
Canto, in general, is a rather docile and patient mare. With a high tolerance for complaints, whining, or Insults she is the most approachable between her and her sister Kano. Though her tolerance has lead to a few troubles or situations where Kano or another mare has had to step in for her. Canto would never dream of hurting another horse inside of her herd much less a foal or yearling, that is the very last thing she would do with a strong fear for the sight of blood on herself or another horse. She understands fighting is nessecary, especially between predators or even stallions but will look away any chance she can get. Her kindness and patience towards another let's her evaluate a situation, and her tactical thinking can come in handy in a few situations. Her inability to talk to stallions and strangers though is her own undoing sadly, always stuttering or murmuring things almost inaudible for horses that don't strain to hear, repeating herself, especially under pressure will just make her even more nervous then she already is. Canto tends to wordy a bit too much, even for her sibling Kano, placing her foals or any young one in general first before herself. She can never find it in herself to forgive herself of something ever happens to the innocent sweet beings, no matter how rude or cocky they may be it's difficult to persuade her that they're little gremlins.
Despite her patience and tolerance to words or actions though, certain topics can trigger a sudden outburst. One of the worst things you can say while in her presence? Anger wise, no one is really sure. One second you're talking, the next you have an angry 16 hand mare blowing up right in your face without a filter to her sharp words. Eventually it'll be the mention of how the foals and yearlings deaths was just how life works, oh boy she will give you a lecture about that. Sorrow wise? It would be blood, death, (not including the foals and yearlings) or the mention of fire. Fire always seems to have the biggest impact on her though and will always either immediately shut down the conversation, walk away, or get lost deep in thought. It's a bit difficult to get Canto to think about herself every once in a while, placing the needs and benefits of those in her presence first which have lead to her overworking herself. Kano had always had to put her foot down and be stern to finally make her rest for a little bit and take some time to herself. While she can be on the more docile side, she will do absolutely anything to defend her young or anyone elses foals from a potential threat, even in the form of fighting
Nezri and Four (Both now deceased)
Nezri - A much paler version of Canto, though she can appear sickly she was perfectly healthy and rather loud, defiant, and a troublemaker. She will sometimes go out of her way to assist her mother, younger brother, or even another mare if she's not gallavanting off somewhere
Four - A small bay colored colt with black kane and white sabino markings somewhat similar to Canto's. A white star could be seen present on his forehead accompanied by a heel sock on his back legs. He was more timid than his older sister but could offer a smile to brighten any kind of mood or cheer up his family. He rather liked staying around his mom and hiding behind her, but would sometimes find the courage to peek his head out and speak a word or two
-Her sister is Kano
-Her nephew is Okellian
-She taught Four how to beg to others
-Sometimes Nezri would start singing a song with Four following close behind her like a small train
-Nezri was her first foal so she messed up a lot whether that be when to teach her things or almost stepping on her multiple times, to this day she still looks back slightly horrified though is glad Nezri seems like any other foal
-She looks up to a lot of the other older mares
-When she was young she was a LOT more defiant, almost opposite to who she is now
-Canto and Kano have a stable relationship and always take the time to talk to one another whenever one if them may pass by
The Stolen Herd