[I M P A R]
[B A S I C; I N F O R M A T I O N]
Name: Impar
Nickname: Imp
Age: 4 years
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Wolf hybrid
General Appearance: Impar is a very large and muscular wolf. He has an all white base coat. Having grey spots on his front shoulders and hips. His throat is black as is his forehead, top of his head and top of his muzzle. His front paws are also dark brown in colour. His right ear is torn and therefore has half an ear. He has long, deer like antlers coming out the top of his head. He has slightly protruding fangs from his jaws, though not overly obvious. He also carries around a vile of bright red liquid around his throat on a piece of string. Not many knows what it really is. He has a medium amount of thickness to his coat.
Body Type: Muscular- abnormally large
Height: 96cm (37.7 inches)
Weight: 102kg
Scars/Birthmarks etc: N/A
General Attitude|Personality: Impar is an extremely introverted wolf. He never speaks to anyone and will always keep to himself. he has a traumatic past and keeps to himself because of it. He has insomnia and rarely sleeps because of it. He is protective over himself and is extremely untrusting because of his past.
Likes: Being alone
Dislikes: Other wolves and sleeping
Fears: Being abducted by humans again
Hobbies: Attempting to sleep
Ambivert, Introvert, Extrovert?: Introvert
Intelligence: Above average intelligence
[P H Y S I C A L; A T T R I B U T E S]
Strengths: Because he is so large and muscular, Impar is extremely strong and a very good fighter and hunter. He has good stamina and his eyesight and sense of smell is on point. He also uses his antlers to his advantage in both hunting and fighting.
Weaknesses: Also he has good stamina, he is quite slow and has some terrible agility and stealth. His hearing is terrible as he is only able to hear out of his full ear, not the one that was split in half. He also has a terrible temper.
Skills: Fighting
[C H A R A C T E R; R E F E R E N C E; S H E E T S]: