Sex: Female
Age: 5
Breed: Catahoula Leopard Dog X Australian Shepherd mix
Relationship Status: Single, Open
Mother: Taniya, Australian Shepherd
Father: Braiden, Catahoula Leopard Dog
Offspring Count: 15
Fur: Pretty blue merle she-dog, basing off of blue, blacks and greys. White chest, lined with tan between the merle and white. Tan patches over both eyes, along with tan on all four legs. Medium-haired coat, with floppy ears and a long tail that's tipped with white. There's white on her toes, and she also has a tan muzzle.
Details: Two beautiful brown eyes, of the most gorgeous shade of brown, that shine beautifully in the sun, yet have the power to make you feel like you're drowning when you look into them when she's sad and/or crying.
Likes: Watching dawn rise, being outside, calm, quiet, peace
Dislikes: Humans, nasty males, anybody/anything that gets too close too fast
Personality: When in a good mood, Ivy's a silly, bold, comical she-dog who loves laughing and playing. In a bad mood, Ivy's distant, cold, harsh, highly irritable and dislikes anybody coming near her, except maybe, on occasions, those closest to her.
Backstory: Ivy was born from her australian shepherd mother, Taniya, and catahoula leopard dog father, Braiden. It was a rough few months of her life with Taniya. She was almost always hungry, dirty, cold. Her mother did her best to keep her alive, but it was hard. It became even harder when Ivy was weaned, along with her two brothers, and they all had to split mum's kibble. At four months, Ivy's runt brother passed away from starvation, and the other died at six months old. Ivy now feared for her own life... She was only a year old when Ivy woke to find her mother dead, with nothing she could do. The she-dog had been young, this being her third or fourth litter, yet the harsh conditions eventually caused internal issues, Ivy guessed, and that plus starvation killed her.Her father, Braiden, was solely mentioned by her mother, before she passed. Rumour had it he died in a fight with a big german shepherd over some female, so Ivy assumed he'd been cruel and was glad he'd died.Ivy lived her life without friends, and mostly in fear. She had four litters of pups, which rounded off to a total of fifteen puppies. She lost her first litter, for some unknown reason, all five of them born dead. The second, only two out of four made it to a year old, before being taken from her. The third was another four, only one making it to a year... the fourth contained only two, and both survived, much to Ivy's surprise, for both had been born prematurely, sickly and weak.Now Ivy simply lays still, hoping, just hoping someday her nightmare life will end, and she'll see a dawn, her favourite time of day, before the anything awoke, full of peace and quiet, but hoping she'll see a dawn when she'll get to know she was free to live her own life.