Sexuality:Straight :3
Desired Role:Warrior
Appearance:Standing at 6'7 he has Red hair with Green eye's that seem's to have a bit of brown in them,he has a strong jaw line that fit's his face with freckle's over his nose and cheek's,he's mixed with Indian,Mexican and half Jamaican,he has brown soft skin,He wear's a white T-shirt that show's his nicely build body with Black jean's that hides a Gun.
Personality:D.J is a quiet guy with secret's clouding his mind daily,he trusts other to much and will die fighting for them,he make's Alliance because he doesn't believe that the leader can lead right,he has a stunning Laugh that is deeply high pinch,he rarely tell's joke's but tries to do so often,he can be seem watching everyone to make sure they are safe,he take's cares of the younger one's mostly and hates that the older adult's think's they know all.
Strength:Gun shooting
Weakness:Head to head fighting
Past:Closed book
Other interesting facts:He has a secret Tattoo on his back^^