G u n n a r ""I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me."" -Joshua Graham, Fallout
American Akita mix
(c)Jaded-Night-Stock, f2u
Built with a stocky frame and large paws, Gunnar has strong shoulders and a chest that is surprisingly broad for a dog who has had hardship getting food his whole life. His ribs are like washboards due to lack of food, and his coat is dull and grimy. Gunnar has an odd tail. It is short, but only very loosely curled. Most of the time it just hangs limp on his hindquarters, but when he wags his tail it moves in loose circular motions. His dark brown eyes carry a light that may seem defeated at first, but when you get to know Gunnar a bit more, one might realize that it is not defeat, but a bitter determination in his eyes. His voice is deep, warm, and a bit rough, and seems to put other dogs at ease. ---
Gunnar is a quiet dog who seems to carry a great weight on his shoulders. He walks with his head held just about level with his shoulders, a determined plod forward that moves in a steady rhythm. Gunnar may come off as extremely cautious to other dogs at first, and often very odd. Gunnar doesn't want to lose anyone to the plague, and he can do that successfully if he doesn't get close with anyone. Once he warms up a bit to others, he is pretty interesting to talk to. He is calm and has an odd sense of humor, often making jokes or odd comments that are difficult to understand or have a deeper meaning than they may seem.
Gunnar has street-smarts and is often able to find other ways to get food, but would rather starve himself than risk eating the rats that scurry across the barren streets. He believes that the plague is the worst thing that can happen to a dog, and wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy. Therefore, he is often willing to help other dogs find food. Because he has spent most of his life alone, he has a strong internal dialogue. He often can be found muttering all sorts of things under his breath to himself as he pads around, searching for food among the cold, empty back alleys of the empty city.
His past is unknown to others. Like most dogs in the ruins of the city, he has had a rough life. When the outbreak of the plague first happened, he traveled with his brother, whom he was very close with. It was only a few months until his brother caught the illness, and Gunnar was forced, with much grief, to leave him to die and flee to the outskirts of the city, where he has lived most of his life a solitary dog, far from the heart of the city. While he was feeling particularly lonely and upset, he decided to head toward the center of the city and try and find another dog to talk to, just for the sake of not being in his own head so often.