Meaning: Path/Trail
"Keep steady, be brave, and follow the trail."
{Tags: Dog Characters, Working dog;}
{Secondary tags: There is Hope;}
The Wayfinder - 4 - Chesapeake Bay Retriever x Catahoula Leapard Dog x Weimaraner - Female
(credits: me)
Camino is of average height for a Catahoula - 25 inches, give or take. Her face is defined, and slightly narrower than that of retriever, yet still distinctly representative of the gundog type. Her jaw is strong, able to clamp down on prey with ease. Her ears distinctly resemble that of a Catahoula - slightly smaller, triangular in shape, and able to be pricked or pulled back, unlike many hound types. In terms of her body shape, she sports a combination of the lithe, sleek Weimaraner, the strong Chesapeake Bay Retriever. The resulting athletic frame is quite similar to that of a Catahoula. In turn, her endurance is exceptional.
She's a durable dog, with an oily double coat, able to withstand freezing waters. However, despite her retriever blood, her coat isn't curly and is of medium-short length. Her tail is long, thin, and rudder-like, for the purpose fo swimming.
Her base color is something between the silvery hue of a Weimaraner, and the brown of the Chessie, settling on a light, slilver brown hue. However, a lighter pattern of brown as well as a coffee color is scattered on her flanks, sides, and neck - a reflection of the Catahoula markings. A smattering of white is splashed across her as well.
Her eyes are a clear, piercing blue.
Camino never does seem to have the wrong answer. Wise beyond her young years, she tends to be the voice of reason in the group. She's a reassuring, steadfast presence, and is there for anyone whenever he or she might need. She's practical, down-to-earth, and level-headed at all times; recklessness is a trait foreign to her.
As a requirement of her job, Camino is resourceful and observant; detail oriented, she rarely misses a thing. Nature is known to throw setbacks into the path, and she, as the Wayfinder, knows how to work her way around it. Camino far prefers controlled outcomes and predictability over chaos and surprises; in her mind, everything is far better if orginized and controlled. Regardless, she does enjoy adventure.
Her thought process is always methodic, steady, and thorough. She does not make quick decisions, but always comes to the right one in the end. When in thought, her focus lends to her an inability to be distracted. She enjoys a routine - generally, the same mealtimes, the same training programs, etc.. Although she can work with any change in schedule, it is best if she knows a change is coming; otherwise, it throws her off gaurd and will take her some time to get her bearings.
Camino is a hard worker; she strives for excellence in any given situation, as an obligation to both her teamates and her handler. A determined character, she will push herself to her very limits for the other dogs. With a strong sense of morals, Camino will never betray her values for any cause. Of her most important values is hard work, loyalty, and honesty. Camino is a dog that is, while somewhat reserved with strangers, trusting that others will be honorable enough to uphold her values of integrity. She never sees the worst in a dog, nor neccessairily the best - a non-judgemental character, she will let actions speak for themselves.
Camino carries herself in a resolutely calm, patient manner - it's difficult to get her upset, at least visibly. That's not to say she doesn't get happy - rather, she does have a fun-loving, humorous streak - but she's generally relaxed in any scenario, under pressure or not. In a group conversation, Camino will listen before speaking. She likes to think about her words before blurting opinions out, which may give others the first impression that Camino is not so bright. This could not be farther from the truth; she is clever, but simply cannot pick out the correct words quickly.
She is level-headed, and tends to be the voice of reason. Camino has an odd sort of wisdom for such a young age, and can easily be described as an 'old soul'. A steadfast character, many lean to her for support. In this sense, she can be taken for granted often - in simpler terms, Camino is forgettable. It's difficult to notice her until she's gone. The resulting trait canine is someone who is not accustomed to attention - she will never seek the spotlight, and doesn't enjoy having the stage to herself: she does, however, appreciate when someone notices or chooses to sit by her. She's not neccessairily quiet, but is far from loud. She takes great joy in storytelling.
She strongly dislikes fighting, and tends to be the practical peace-keeper when all else fails. She whole-heartedly believes in their mission, and is willing to do as much as she can to succeed.
Camino absolutely adores mud, snow, dust, and rain - it is impossible for her to maintain a clean coat.
Another habit of her's is digging. The dog has something of an obsession with it.
A final quirk of hers is caching food and treats - often, one can find a stash of snacks she's hoarded for another day. Camino displays this behavior instinctively rather than consciously.
Strengths + Desires
- The voice of reason
Weaknesses + Fears
- Takes excessive time to reach a decision, and absolutely cannot be convinved to speed up her thought processRelationships:
Kodaline: Camnio is certainly grateful that Kodaline is her teammate. She trusts him with her life (which is not a statement to be taken lightly, in Camino's mind - she certainly does not have faith that everyone on her team could be entrusted with the lives of another coughfroschcough). She enjoys his thoughtfulness, and whether the two sit in silence or conversation, Camino appreciates and feels safe in his presence. On the rare occasion that she needed to confide in anyone, she would go to Geralt or Koda.
Valentia: Camino likes the smaller dog's upbeat temperament and kind nature - the way finder is somewhat concerned for Valentia's amount of worry, and is always ready to jump in and help her out of any tough situation, or offer an ear for her to confide in. Camino doesn't think that Valentia should take her mistakes so harshly, and tries to bear that self imposed burden on her own shoulders instead.
Kyanite: Camino appreciates Kyanite for what she does, that so much is clear; she trusts Kya, and respects the dog's intelligence. Camino understands that Kyanite is a short tempered canine, and dealing with her, and another stubborn dog like Ajax, can be difficult. Camino always will try to mitigate any arguments that arise, and can only hope that Kya in willing to calm listen. Regardless, Camino does like Kyanite, and might be seen walking alongside her, and possibly chatting if she feels in the mood for discussion (which isn't always, with Camino).
Ajax: Camino enjoys being with Ajax, finding that his energy is refreshing and fun- and she's also glad he can tone it down as well, and is always willing to calm himself and listen. She tends to feed off his energy, and is more loud and joking with him than most others.
Frosch: Camino is grateful for Frosch's uplifting presence, but he's a dog that will test her patience when it comes down to it. Camino is more tolerant of Frosch's antics than most of her other teammates, and will always lend an ear to listen to his non-stop talking, but has gotten weary of his hyperactive nature in the past. She's grateful that he is always willing to lighten the mood. Camino considers him to be somewhat puppy-like, and feels a sort of responsibility towards him so that she might be able to keep him from trouble.
Geralt: Camino and Geralt have quite a bit in common, and Camino really does adore the small dog. She's more inclined to joke around with him than some of the others, and appreciates his kind, empathetic nature. The two are close, and Camino is rather protective of her small friend - she will always be there whenever he needs.
Her upbringing wasn't out of the ordinary, really. She does, however, have extensive training behind her. She knows the general map of the United States, after years of memorizing it - rather challenging, for a canine. She knows how to track, follow a trail, think practically, and survive. Her knowledge is quite extensive in these areas. She has grown attatched to her trainer, and worries a little about leaving them, but doesn't neccessairily have seperation anxiety or anything of the sort.
Themesong(s)/songs that remind you of your character: