
"I agree with that. We should stay here for a few days before we move on. Got to make sure that we get far enough away from Diamond to make sure that we're safe.". Michael replied, moving himself a bit closer to his wife before giving her a long kiss on the lips. "Are... you up to mate again? I know you've been feeling sick as of late...". His hands migrated to her hips and he continued to kiss her, making sure he wasn't going too fast if she wasn't up for it.

Judy kissed him back and said "yes. I am up to mate again." She was hoping that they were going to stay at the pack houses in the new town as she did not want to move again. Judy said "I love you so much." She kissed him more as she was feeling safe with him there. Judy was also feeling happy as she look at him. Judy knew that Michael would be protective if something did happen. Judy said "my protector." She kept her on him as she was smiling.

Michael had that sly smile on his face as he returned the kisses to his wife, turning her over and taking off his shirt. "And I love you too Judy." With that, he lost himself to the affection and the world and all of the worries that came with it melted away. In that moment, it was just him and his mate. --- Michael lied in silence with Judy, casually stroking her hair with one hand while rubbing her belly with the other. Right there he didn't feel any moment of stress, instead feeling nothing but love and admiration for his mate. "You're incredible, you know that? It doesn't matter what comes your way, you don't try to hide or immediately run away from it. You stay and fight for yourself and for the pack.". He gave her another kiss and snuggled a bit more with her, enjoying the warmth and closeness.

Judy listened and said "you are incredible too. You helped me with everything and you even helped me with the pack. Thank you Michael for everything. You are the best mate and soon to be father." She kissed him as she gave him a hug. Judy was hoping that they would be able to see a doctor soon about the babies. Judy said "I do have to get a check up on the babies. Would you like to go with me when you are rested up?" She look at him as she was not sure if he would want to go with her or not.

"Of course I want to go with you to see the babies. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Michael said, snuggling with her and resting his head on her chest, looking up at her. "So... how many kids did you want in total? I know we talked about it earlier, but I don't think we ever came to a proper number." (Sorry it's short)

Judy said "I am not sure about how many kids I want. I mean either 2 or 3 would be fun to handle but someday in the future, I would probably want more kids." She look at him as she was smiling. Judy knew that she was lucky to have Michael. She ask "how many kids would you like Michael?" She was feeling safe again. (Sorry its short.)

"I don't know, to be honest with you. Two or three sounds like a good number but... I may change my mind in the future. Tell you what, let's play it by ear for right now and enjoy the time we have with each other...". With that he slowly moved up Judy and wrapped his arms around her, giving her several kisses before a knock on the door stops him short. "One minute!". Michael called out before giving Judy one more kiss before getting dressed. Walking over to the door he opened it and found Bobby standing there. "Hey bud!". Michael said with an enthusiastic tone, picking him up into a side hug. "How have you been?"

Bobby hugged Michael back and said "I have been ok. The pack doctor had to do a check up on me. She wanted me to tell the alpha that she will do a check up on her tomorrow to see how the baby is doing." He look up at him. Judy was wearing a shirt and shorts as she was listening. Judy said "Thank you Bobby for telling me that." She smiled as she went to give Bobby a hug. Bobby was careful when he gave her a hug. Judy look up at Michael as she wanted to ask him something important but she was not sure if he would be ok with the question.

"Tomorrow, huh? That sounds like a good time." Michael said, putting down Bobby and wrapping one of his arms around his pregnant wife. "Can't wait to see how the baby is doing." He added, giving Judy a kiss on the cheek for good measure before walking to the door. "I guess it's time for us to start the day and check on the pack." He mumbled, stretching his arms to shake away any tiredness before walking out of his home to see how the pack was doing.

Judy smiled and said "yes, we better go check on the pack." Bobby left and went to Abraham. Bobby was feeling sad as he was not sure if Judy was going to tell Michael the news. Judy knew that she was never going to be able to ask Michael her question. She look at the ground as she was feeling tried again. She look up at Michael and smiled a little bit as she was thinking. Bobby yawned and fell asleep in Abraham's pack house which was normal.