
Atlas He looked at her, confused. "Why- why wouldn't I?" he asked, cocking his head slightly. He hadn't been thinking when he'd offered to help, it just seemed like the natural thing to do. Of course he would try and help. Noticing her unneasyness, he glanced around, "What's up?" he questioned, "You look like you've seen a ghost" ... Nyx Nyx lent, lazily against Neva's thick, scaly leg, feeling like a chameleon with her matching black dress. Finally, as the crowd parted she could make out Amara, relief washed over her. With a start however she saw that she was with.. someone... white hair, blue jacket, white shirt, seagreen flower in pocket, black tie, snow white hair. Unusual.

Amara~ Amara gave a small shrug. "Most wouldnt want to help, assume that it's not their issue." When he asked what was wrong she sighed. *No point in trying to hide it now* she thought. "I just feel like I am being watched, and I dont know if it's because of the ball, or something else" she replied to him. She glanced back at where she saw the figure and they were gone, making her wonder if they moved, or if her nerves were getting the best of her.

Atlas "Why would they be watching you?" he asked, confused, out of everyone, why her? He shook his head, that wasn't the issue right now. "Come on then" he whispered, gently tugging on her hand and leading her towards the dance floor. "They wouldn't touch you here" he explained, everyone would see, there was no way they could get to her, "Just dance" he instructed

Amara~ Amara turned bright red when he head her to the dance floor, casuing Amara to shake her head. "I cant dance" she admitted. She glanced around and saw a few of the guests were now watching her, only making her wish she could hide in Luna's wings like she did when she got overwhelmed, but even now, not knowing where the dragon was, Amara wanted to just hide.

Atlas He smiled, sympathetically, "Just watch what I do" he instructed, taking her hand and placing one hand on her back to rest between her shoulders. He held back a laugh, if Aro saw him now, oh by the dragon's flame, he'd be dead. Gently he tried to guide her mettering under his breath, "One, two, three... one, two, three..."

Amara~ Amara tensed up a bit when he touched her back. It felt strange since she didnt really let strangers touch her. Hell, she didnt even always let Nyx touch her. She slowly tired to follow what he was doing, though she was stumbling more than what she wanted to. She bit her lip, her cheeks getting more and more red with each stumble. ~~~ Aro~ Aro laughed and talked with his friend before he narrowed his eyes seeing Atlas with the female. He clenched his fists, wondering what made his brother think that now was even a good time to talk to another female. It risked them talking to the princesses of this kingdom, and that wasnt a good idea.

Atlas He noticed her flushed features and smiled slightly, "Hey, no-one cares if you trip up" he tried to reassure her, "And if those gentlemen do then we can call them the hypocrites they are. I'd like to see them dance in heels" he added, chuckling slightly, his eyes narrowing at the group of princes, stunned to see Aro among them. Noticing his brothers tense stare, he gave his head a short shake, trying to communicate that this wasn't the time for Aro's politics.

Nyx Her eyes cold, she watched her sister dancing. Sure, she wanted Amara to be happy, to find someone eventually. Yet the older sister part of her was in outrage and the rational side was paranoid at who this boy might be. Biting her tongue, Nyx lent against Neva, "what do you think, girl?"

Amara~ Amara stopped when she heard something coming from the garden outside, sounding like Luna. Without saying anything, she kicked off her heels and took off. She knew she would need to expalin later, but that was if the boy wasnt already dancing with someone else. Once Amara reached the garden, she looked around. "Luna" she called out. Before she could get a reply, she felt something grab her, pinning her close so she couldnt fight, and another pair of hand grabbing her legs. "Hurry" one voice said. "We need to get out of here before someone notices" the other replied, and she heard another pair of footsteps running towards them. "The carriage is ready on the other side of the garden. Let's go" a third said. ~~~ Aro~ Aro smirked when he saw the female take off, nearly laughing at the idea his brother was left there to be without his dance partner. *Serves him right for trying to talk to anyone here he didnt know* he thought before he went back to talking to his friend.

Atlas Startled and confused, he took off after her, ignoring the looks the guests were giving. He went to call out her name but realized too late that he didn't know it. His hair was growing wilder and wilder as he got outside, sticking up all over the place but he din't mind. Puzzled, his eyes swept the courtyard just in time to see a figure disappear out of sight. Hurriedly he gave chase, Luca prowling beside him like an overgrown house cat. Edited at March 30, 2022 02:31 PM by ⁕Lupous⁕