
Ruby growled ' Dont talk to them that way" she said zipping to him and snarled in his face " And dont you dare hurt them." She kneeled down and smiled " DOnt listen to him. im not going to let him hurt you. "

" Good kitty. " He snarled turning back to the girl. He took a step at her is wings spreading so that no sunlight could be seen. Edited at September 21, 2021 09:27 AM by Revenge

Amber made up her mind to stand up to him " you cant scare me" she said glaring at him in the eyes " try and you will get hurt" Her eyes darted from him tot he cat and then back to him

shade was scared stiff, she couldnt run, they could catch her, and she could not stay in this form for long

(Ruby) "Girl's got gut's. Fine, ill be on my way then, tho we might meet again." He snarled, his wings receeding slightly. He turn's and begin's to walk away.

during that minute she turned and bolted

" Damn right I do" she snarled as the other vampire flew off, brining light back into the forest. " COme here, little one. Hes gone. I promise. " she sat down on the forest floor. And she made sure that her fangs where not showing. " Come here." she said patting her lap. " I protect the aniamls here." Ruby said truthfully." Damn it I lost her" she stood up again and just walked to the cliffside Edited at September 21, 2021 09:36 AM by LunarOrbitPack

she continued to run, mid run she shifted and as the house came into veiw she ran even faster

Matt flew back to his den. though he didnt have fangs, he was a vampire. He hated people that interfere with him and his plan's. What a day. Wish I was still human, sleep the day away. He thought smugly

as she burst into the house jake was sitting on the sofa. "whats wrong shade?" he asked