
"no its fine i can handle myself, thank you though" parker allows him to walk with her since they are going to the same place. parker closes her eyes. "i feel a headache coming on, i think ima just go home" parker turns the other way and goes to the office to check herself out. she was feeling so good right now, she didnt know why. parker wasnt sure if she could drive home. her body was hurting. Parker rubbed her eyes and went out to her car. She got to her car and went to the backseat 'maybe if I take a na ill be ok' parker got comfortable in her backseat and took a nap, she forgot to lock her car but oh well. Parker covered her face with her arms so the sun wouldn’t shine in them.

Takes the two to the office then follows her to her car and gaurds her realizing she left her car doors unlocked. Doesn't make a sound so she can nap peacefully and keeps watch. Stands like a sentinel in by her car protecting her from anyone who might try to hurt her or take advantage of her while she naps. Walks around her car in a circle checking all the way around the car and ensuring her safety until she wakes up. Plays with my hoodie straps just to entertain myself a bit debating if i should give her my hoodie to block out the sun or not. Decides against it unless she asks.

Parker whimpers, she curls up more, she can smell the alphas scent right out her car, parker growls and gets up then gets out of her car. Without realizing it she changes in to her wolf form, her blue eyes adjusting. Parker sees the alpha then rubs up on him, having no control of herself, she licks his hand then looks up at him, her sparkling blue eyes looking straight into his

Sniffs and flinches thinking 'she's in heat i can't take adavantage of her'. Transforms and lets her do what she wants to me all while not taking advantage of her and just keeping myself from losing control and doing what the alpha wants to do to her knowing she would most likely regret it later. Doesn't want her to make this decision with a clouded mind so i do nothing to her but lay there and let her do what she wants staying alert incase those bumbling idiot wolves try to take advantage of her in this state. So keeps guarding her putting my hoodie on her back with my teeth.

parkers realized what she was doin before it was to late, she growls trying to fight back the urge she steps back, having a mental arguement with herself. parker runs off towards the woods, hoping no one follows her. parker gets to the woods and finds the clearing, she realizes she brought the alphas hoodie with her. she turns back to her normal form and lays on the grass clutching the hoodie to her chest. 'im suck an idiot, i should probably call the school to tell them ill be out for a while' she thought. parker heard something crunch near her, she jumped up in a fighting stance but then she felt light headed, parker got to her knees and put the alphas hoodie on. maybe whatever it is will smell his scent and go away' she thought. parker relaxed letting his scent flow over her body. parker fell alseep, in the warm sun.

Followed her but stopped before reaching the clearing laying about a hundred feet before the entrance of the clearing. Lays there hoping my presence and scent can provide comfort to her and soothe her. Hearing her breathing change and knowing she is asleep i stay there until she wakes up and comes to her senses. Wonders if she thinks i'm mad at her or something and then huffs and makes a as if sound and hopes this doesn't ruin our relationship oddly finding myself wanting to spend more time with her and not because of her heat but because of who she is. Wants to get to know her really badly but won't force her if she doesn't want to.

Parker senses the alpha, and looks up to where he would be laying, parker knew he wouldn’t do anything to harm her now. She gives him a small weak smile. She lays on her back looking up at the sky, shes at ease right now, the scent of the alpha on the hoodie is helping her. Parker closes her eyes then inhales deeply and exhales. The soothing sound of birds chirping and.. Wolves howling? Parker sits up, listening closely. 'why are they howling?' parker looks at the alpha, watching him closely to see what he would do 'is this a trap?' she thought 'no, he wouldn’t do that… right?' parker waited for the wolves to stop but they kept howling 'maybe classes ended and theyre looking for alpha' parker lays back down not caring.

Sends a howl through the air telling my pack to go home without me and let my father know i will be out for awhile and also telling them to shut up. Listens to the howling fade and then looks at her moving closer but not daring to enter the clearing without her permission and waits at the edge looking out at her and getting comfortable where i am right now. Shakes my fur out letting more of my scent waft over to her but not moving from my spot. Lays my head on my paws refusing to sleep despite how tired i am so i can protect her and stay near her.

Parker sat up again and looked at the alpha, his beautiful fur and how soft it looks, parker slowly went up to him, once she was to his head she knelt down and stretched her hand out to him, asking him if it was ok to pet him. Parker looked at his two different colored eyes, they were so mesmerizing, so beautiful. Parker saw that he had no intention of hurting her

Blinks slowly then presses my head against her hand granting her permission and relaxing trusting her completely. I make a sort of purring sound but wilder a content rumbling and lets her pet me as much as she wants. Wags my tail when she scratches the hard to reach spots. Content and relaxed and licks her hand. My tail wagging and resting my head against her. Nuzzles her and rolls over so she can pet and rub my belly panting like a dog in excitement. I thourougly enjoy her petting and starts to fall asleep while she pets me, totally happy and relaxed and drooling a bunch of slobber that would make a huge mess on the floor if we were in a house or other building.