
Amara~ Amara shook her head when she looked at Nyx. "Peace with a kingdom who might only want war? I dont know if that's possible. We may have to just be careful who we talk to at the ball. Do you know what they look like?" She knew many names and faces, but they started to blend together and she couldnt place who was from where, or if her mind was making them up. She sighed as she looked over hearing someone calling to them for breakfast, but she wasnt sure if she was hungry.

Nyx Nyx shrugged, "I've heard that they're close in age, less than a year but I'm not sure of much else, probaly got the same sick brown, dull brown eyes as the rest of their kingdom" she said with spite, she wasn't actually sure what majority of these people looked like but rumours were an abundant this around the castle. Nyx sighed as the call came, and glanced down the hall, "I guess we better go"

Amara~ Amara gave a small nod. "That wont help too much since most of the eligible princes are close to our age, and sometimes it's hard to tell if they are older or younger" she replied. When Nyx mentioned going towards the food call, she nodded, hearing her stomach finally tell her that she was indeed hungry.

Nyx Nyx nodded dully, Amara had taken the fact that the princes would likely be brought as suitors so easily, but her stomach was churning at the thought. She hadn't yet been told if the ball would be indoors or outdoors. An outdoor ball may sound like something the common people might do but the royalty of Arulous could make anything magnificent and grand. Nyx hoped it would be outdoors, moonlight and candles, markees and white draped tables, music and dancing, food and drink, trees and fountains, they were so much betterthan the cramped parties of the ballroom. And best of all, Nera could come.


Amara- Amara followed her sister to the dining hall as she thought about how she was supposed to have her hair. She wanted it partly up, curly if that was even possible, but then her mind wondered to the idea of accidentally falling for one of those princes. There had to be so many showing up that the chance was slim at least, but still there.

Nyx Nyx scowled as they entered the dining hall, her grey and black hair, messily falling down her shoulders. The thought of what she would wear came back to her, and she scowled deeper, imagining one of the huge, puffed up gowns she'd seen the high class's daughters wearing. She shook her head as she sat, ignoring her mother's words, she wouldn't be needed in the conversation. She didn't want anything pathetic, that said, 'I need a prince charming to save me!' no. She wanted something that said to go away, that she could take care of herself. Maybe black like Nera, then the pair would be matching. As Nyx began to cut into a potatao scone, the image of a dress began to form in her mind's eye.


Yup! Princesses greeting guests?))

Amara, Day of the ball~ Amara paced a bit in her room, feeling more and more nervous. She shook her head and took a deep breath before she had a servant help with her hair. It was pulled back, half up and half down with thick curls. As she waited for the servant to be done, she saw Luna laying on her balcony, sleeping. Once the servant was done, Amara put her dress on and saw the sun was starting to set, telling her it was time to head down stairs. Slowly she made her way down the hall and stair before she saw the pale blues and purples her parents picked to line the halls to show that she and Nyx were ready to find their princes. *Please dont let this night be horrible* she thought as she spotted the garden and nodded to herself, feeling the safest there, and with the fountain lit up it looked more elegant than normal.