
Before Zane could speak, Iris swung her sword. "We NEVER surrender" she yelled at them as she felt her sword hit something. Zane jumped in to help Iris as Caro let a few arrows fly. The trio was stubborn, and not willing to give up without a fight. Amara started to stir a bit, managing to open her eyes long enough to see fighting break out before she blacked out again.

The lizardmen guards descended upon the humans after Iris swung her sword, doing their best to divide and conquer the humans so they could be captured, with two guards on one human at a time, using their weapons and shields in an attempt to subdue and take down the human invaders, leaving Iris to be dealt with by the goblins. Instead of a proper strategy, the goblins simply surrounded Iris and flailed their sticks at her, hoping to overwhelm her with numbers and relentless attacks, fueled by revenge for the fallen goblin. Orion and Sokoya stared at the lizardman messenger as he told them about the human trespassers and how the chief and his betrothed are now safely in their home once again. After he finished Sokoya told him to head back and find a group of eight warriors to head out and take care of the humans if the guards were unable to capture them. The messenger left, leaving Orion and Sokoya alone in the room. "Why do you have such an interest with adventurers? They always do these... quests for coin and fame." The naga said, arms crossed. "I find it boring to just kill them without knowing as to why they came down here despite the danger." Orion replied.

Iris certainly wasnt about to give up, but she soon saw Zane and Caro going down, forced to be split apart. The female grew worried for her companions, and fought as much as she could before she started to grow weak. "There are too many of them" she called out to Zane, who seemed to have a worried look for the first time in his life. "We can do this" he said, trying to sound as confident as possible before he saw Caro go down to a shield to the face. This caused Zane to look back at Iris to see the sweat beading down on her face, growing tired. "W-we can do it" he cried out before his breath grew heavy, causing him to stumble, slowly going to his knees.

The lizardmen guards fighting Caro knew that she was knocked out after the shield bash, so one of them quickly picked her up and carried her off, leaving the free guard to fight Zane, who was now dealing with three of them. The lead lizardman saw Caro's capture and he grinned slightly. And the numbers sway even further in our favor. He heard Zane speak with a worried tone and he knew that the battle was already decided, all they needed to do was subdue them. The three lizardmen surrounded Zane and charged at Zane, wearing him down with precise charges and shield bashes. But as usual, the goblins were not being precise with Iris. The goblins continued to charge Iris, swinging their sticks with fervor and determination at her. "It won't be long now! We take them and he may give us that flaming stick!" Dee called out to the rest of the goblins, and they were renewed in the idea of getting the torch as a reward.

Zane watched as Caro was taken, and Iris going down. He did his best to keep fighting, not wanting to give up, but it was too late. He couldnt keep it up, and was soon forced to drop his sword. Once Iris saw what he had to to, she knew she needed to do the same, droping the torch along with her sword. Iris glared towards Amara's passed out body, blaming her more than anything as to why they failed this mission. *It wasnt suppose to be this way* Iris thought as she fell to her knees.

The goblins cheered when Iris fell to her knees, and they held her down as one of the guards tied her hands behind her back with some rope before doing the same to Zane, before they hastily picked up the flaming stick, which has now gone out from not being tended to and falling to the ground. They were disappointed by this, however they retained hope in the fact that Orion might know a thing or two about flaming sticks and could possibly relight it once again. The lead guard rougly grabbed the two still standing and pushed them forward as another guard picked up Amara's unconsious body. "No talking." The lead guard bluntly said to Zane and Iris, moving them along with pushes and shoves whenever they were walking too slow for his liking. The goblins followed the lizardmen all the way back to the main room, where Orion and Sokoya were waiting patiently; Orion already in his full get up to mask what he was and Sokoya with her intense stare and presence. After lining up Zane and Iris with Caro, who was already awake thanks to Sokoya's magic, the guards stood to the side of Orion to discourage any attacks. Sokoya noticed Amara's unconsious body being lied down next to Caro and she was quick to wake her up, using her magic to once again heal her enough to keep her stable before shifting spells to wake her up abruptly. Satisfied with her work, she returned to Orion's side and stared daggers at the leader of the adventuring party as Orion began to talk. "Four adventurers wander into this dungeon... why? Money? Honor? Trinkets or tools of war? I never understand you." He began, looking and speaking through his mask to the four. "You go around, performing these dangerous quests for coin and glory, but at the end of the day, when all is said and done, what do you have? Knowledge of those you fought against? Items from far away lands that prove to be worthless when looking back? Trophies of the 'monsters' that you have slain?" He stood up after this sentence, looking over at the goblins. "You killed what, two goblins before you were captured? Either you were unprepared for this place or you underestimated the enemy; no matter the answer it was a foolish mistake." He looked at the torch in one of the goblin's hands. "The goblins will take the torch from you as a prize for their efforts in stopping you." A collective cheer from the goblins rang out for a brief second, but the quieted down as he continued to talk. "And you couldn't even give a proper fight against the lizardmen... tsk, tsk, tsk. I guess I shouldn't waste any more time, but I want to hear from you. Why did you come down here in the first place?"

Amara groaned as she was waken up, shaking her head slightly before she heard voices. Her eyes went wide as she looked around. She tried to scoot back in fear, but she felt someone behind her, not daring to look and see who it was. She saw Zane, Iris and Caro, all three with angered eyes. "You're pathetic pets wont be able to keep us" Zane said rather coldly. Amara glared at Zane, making it obvious she didnt like the way he spoke. "I swear I had nothing to do with this" Amara cried. "I was forced to follow them" she said before Iris snapped at her. "Shut up you weakling!" She turned to Orion. "Yeah, we get gold, jewels, and we kill creeps like you!" Zane smirked at Iris' firey mood before Caro rolled his eyes, the other male never speaking a word.

Orion merely tilted his head at the back and forth between Iris and Amara. There's something going on here between them... but what? Do these two just not like each other, or could it be something different altogether? Putting that to the side for a moment, he walked in front of Iris and stood in front of her, staring at her blanky. "'Creeps like me?' I would be honored if I knew who you were talking about. As for gold and jewels..." He took a step back and stretched out his arms to show off his attire efore stepping back in front of her. "You came to the wrong dungeon if you were hoping to strike it rich adventurer." That was an obvious lie; there was a room where the gold and valuables were being held, but he wasn't going to let them know about that. He turned to Zane and walked up to him next. "Pets? They are pets?" He pointed to the lizardmen before pointing to Sokoya. "They are not pets, but I think that they would be more than willing to kill you after that comment." He snapped his fingers and Sokoya moved to his side, staring a hole through Zane. "Sokoya? You get the honor of eating this adventurer... once I'm done with him, of course." Sokoya hissed happily upon hearing that promise and she returned to her previous position. "You adventurers are all the same to me: proud, boisterous, narcissitic idiots who will do whatever it takes to cling to fame, and they don't give a damn about how many lives they have to snuff out to get there." He leaned back before eyeing Amara, who claimed that she was forced into going with them. "You. You say that you did not want to come here, and yet you walked in and fought by their side. How am I supposed to believe that?" He looked at her with cold eyes, however Eke was there to correct his statement. "Uh... Actually, she didn't fight alongside them. We think that Ora knocked her out before she was killed by the adventurers." He spoke, the words silencing the room and getting angry stares from Sokoya and the guards, however Orion was open to hearing those words. "Did she now?" He turned to the lizardmen and asked them if that was true and they confirmed it. After the confirmation Orion had to stop and think for a brief second before continuing onward. "So maybe you didn't fight alongside them, but I have to ask you: if you were forced to follow them, then why are you dressed like them? It wouldn't make sense for someone who isn't interested in fighting to wear armor... right?" Orion pressed, hoping to make her crack. Edited at December 13, 2021 12:03 PM by Shadow Hearts

Amara winced when it was mentioned for Zane to get eaten, her eyes filled with fear. She looked up as to who was speaking to her, not able to look him in the eyes. "I-It's not exactly armor" she admitted. "I dont even have any weapons." She moved her cloak to show what she meant. No weapons were able to be found on her, but small herbs to help her not be hungry for long periods of time. The "armor" was just thin leather to make her look tough, but anything could perice it without much force. "These fools thought they could take on anything, leaving me with nothing. I was forced to travel with them and they knew I wouldnt be happy, leaving me with no weapons." She looked at her feet as she pulled her knees close to her, shaking. Iris tried fighting when it was mentioned for Zane to be eaten. It was clear she had feelings for him, but he didnt feel the same in that way. She screamed, cursing at them for even daring to touch him. "Leave him alone!"

Orion looked at Amara and what she wore, noticing the very thin leather 'armor' she was wearing, and he knew from experience that the armor wouldn't stop a decent weapon if it tried. All she had was a few herbs and no weapons, which at first baffled Orion, however it soon turned to a quietly burning anger. Why did they give her nothing at all? Are they trying to get her killed or something? After listening to everything she had to say, he merely nodded and returned to Iris. "I'm sorry, but you want me to leave him alone? I wanted to be left alone... that's why I'm down here in the first place, but yet you're here seeking glory, so any right you have has been forfeited." He looked at Amara once more before walking over to Zane. "Judging by your looks and demeanor, I'm guessing you're the leader of this outfit." He looked at Iris and a wicked grin grew underneath his mask. "And judging by the sounds of it, Iris would hate it if you met an untimely demise." He motioned to one of the guards and they threw a dagger to him and he swiftly placed it against his throat. "I want to know more about her." He pointed to Amara. "Why did you not give her anything and why are you forcing her to go on these quests with you if you don't care enough about her to give her a single weapon to defend herself with?"