
Nyx Silently she slipped off the beast's back, hands tracing her black scales with adoration. "You wanna stay up here, girl?" she whispered and the dragon let out a puff of smoke in agreement, lowering her frame down into a lying and wrapping her long tail close. She knew that Nera hated the enclosed halls of the castle, where they'd be lucky if she didn't knock over at least 3 vases, 5 suits of armour and 1 servent, she didn't like wandering the corridors alone, it felt as if a part of her was missing. Lost in thought she didn't see the figure of her poor sister, and with a thud walked right into her, stumbling backwards, winded.

Aro~ Aro grumbled and shook his head. "Please tell me mother and father wont expect us to go to this mess" he practically spat. "I refuse, especially knowing it's because both their brats are old enough to wed." He wasnt a fan of the other kingdom since he blamed them for a war that started well over two thousand years before, and nobody even knew now why it was there. Aro was too prideful to admit their kingdom would possibly be the reason as well. ~~~~ Amara~ Amara hadnt been looking in front of her, more to the ground than anything like she did when she had a lot on her mind. A force caused her to stumble a bit before she fell onto her rear end. Looking up she was about to snap assuming it was a servant or guard, but when she saw it was Nyx, she sighed a bit. "You looking forward to the ball" she asked, her tone alone telling Nyx she wasnt looking forward to it one bit.

Nyx Nyx raised one eyebrow "You kidding? Another night of dressing up as an iced wedding cake and pretending to be an innocent, sweet, spoiled brat for the entire kingdom?" She laughed, noticing Amara's sullen expression, "You neither, huh?" Nyx sighed. "Guess who's invited this year" she asked, eyebrows raised even further. ... Atlas "Dunno" sighed Atlas, but he could guess the answer. Their parents wouldn't miss out on an opertunity to show off to Arulous. He cast a sidelong glance at his raging brother and smirked. He always got so worked up about things. "Who knows" he mused, gazing at the ceiling once more. "Maybe this could be what we need"

Amara~ Amara shook her head. "I dont think I want to know. What I do know is nobody will be announced when they come in so we dont know who they are until they talk to us." She didnt like the idea, especially when it could be dangerous for them. (Possible idea, will PM) ~~~~ Aro~ Aro rolled his eyes. "They cant be serious about sending us. We are at war with them. Us going wont solve anything" he said before he stormed out of the room. He needed to clear his head after this, and he was going to have a word with his parents at dinner about it. He would fight them tooth and nail to not go, though, in reality, if they ordered him to go, he would.

I'm all ears!))) ... Nyx "Scary" she mused as she got to her feet at last, "What if we end up falling in love with those princes" she joked, pretending to do a graceful spin. Nyx had forgotten that Amara didn't know yet that the princes would be coming. Nerves coursed through her at the thought of them coming. What if they tried something? What if they saw this as a chance to destabilize Arulous. Edited at March 15, 2022 07:39 PM by ⁕Lupus⁕

Wanna time skip to ball?))

Amara~ Amara tilted her head towards Nyx, confused as to what she mentioned. Slolwy she stood up and brushed off her dress. "What are you talking about" she asked as she tilted her head, raising her eyebrow. Her blonde hair was a slight mess now that she had been knocked down. She wasnt sure what Nyx was getting at, falling for what princes?

Nyx Oops, "That's who I was gonna tell you about" she admitted, "the princes" she explained, grimacing at Amara whose hair now resembled a half built bird's nest. Hurridly she patted down her own hair, she couldn't look much better.

Amara~ Amara looked shocked. "You cant be serious? Mother and Father invited them?" She shook her head. "Why?" It didnt make sense to the younger princess. "I thought mother and father hated their kingdom. Arent we fighting them?" She didnt know much of the fighting since the wounded were either dead coming back, or in a different wing of the castle they didnt allow her in.

Sorry it's so late!)) .... Nyx Nyx shook her head. "Yup, I have no clue why" she said, sighing. She stood there in thought before it hit her and the joke, the joke didn't seem like a joke anymore, it was so obvious that she couldn't believe she hadn't that of it before. But why? "Peace" she mumbled, looking, almost terrified up at Amara. Defiant and angry her eyes narrowed. Edited at March 18, 2022 05:29 PM by ⁕Lupus⁕