Lock | June 6, 2024 11:17 PM | |

He finished with the coffee pretty fast, and started putting in the cream and sugar for her. "I think that the buffet sounds like a great idea! I need food. Like, really bad." He stirred for a moment, then gave her a bright smile and called, "Your coffee, madame!" He gave her a fake bow, and then started on his own coffee. Two sugars, two creams. Perfect. The only way he would ever drink coffee, ever. At least, most of the time. Sometimes he just decided that he wanted it anyway. He did greatly prefer it this way though.
Lock | June 6, 2024 11:56 PM | |

Leaf stood up and play curtsyed. "Why thank you m' lord." She giggled, "How about you put on some shoes and we'll go." Leaf felt her hand starting to twitch. It hsd only started doing this once she stopped shifting. She walked over to him standing by the coffee pot, her voice at a whisper. "My hands doing it again. We need to get somewhere private soon. We'll both start going crazy if we can't shift."
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Lock | June 7, 2024 12:00 AM | |

He was smiling until she said the last thing. "I know. Not shifting... if a shifter can't shift, it gets really hard for them to do anything. They can't focus, and eventually they start going crazy, maybe even eventually shifting and going full animal. Attacking people, maybe." He pulled on his shoes, and a bit louder said, "We should go on a walk outside! In the woods! After we get the food, that is." He held the door open for her, and grabbed her hand, just to keep anyone from noticing the shaking. They didn't need to draw any attention to themselves, and if she looked like her arm was having a seizure that would definitely make people notice them.
Lock | June 7, 2024 12:16 AM | |

Leafs hand stopped twitching. "A walk in the woods sounds lovely." They entered the hallway and waited by the elevater. She pressed the lobby button. After a quick ride, they stepped out and into the lobby. "Im gonna go get some waffles. After four months of THAT food, anything would be good." She got in the long line to make waffles. "While you're over there, do you mind getting me some apple juice?"
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