
Lia watched the vixen in awe. She suddenly wished she was a snow fox. She padded over to the food and picked up a squirrel. She tried to keep a straight calm face as she laid down. Her mouth was watering as she dropped the squirrel and she had to force herself to not gobble it down in one bite. "My names Lia. Thank you by the way. Youre very generous," she said gratefully as she ate.

Nala said "It doesn't go without risks tho Lia....Anyways i got the rest out for you i can tell your hungry i don't eat much since i don't normally starve dur to hunt and freezing the prey to make it last longer." Nala thought Why did i ever let that Fire fox into my life...Maybe it was because i was folish and wanted to help him. She had licked her paw dragging it over her left eye were she had a claw burn. Nala hissed in pain as she hit a sore spot. She looked at Lia and aid "Well if anything we should get to know each other better.

Lia watched the Napa closely studying the other vixen. "Agreed. Knowing each other better will be very helpful for establishing trust," she remarked. "Whats that burn from?" She asked curiosity getting the better of her. "It looks painful," she said studying it from a far.

Nala flinched at the sudden question from Lia. She said "What burn?" She then countined to say "Im Nala and im 50 years old. Im part Ice fox and part Nature fox even tho i don't look like it." She was hoping to redrict Lia's attetion away from the burn. She laid down facing Lia resting her head on her paws. It was lucky timing when Nala found Lia because a heavy snowstorm started. She flicked her tail sealing off the enterance for the time being.

Lia looked at the burn curiously but decided not to pry. "Im Lia. Im also 50. Im a shadow and light fox. I know it doesnt sound like it works but it does somehow," she said. She laid her head down listening to the sound of the storm outside the cave. She was very grateful for this vixen taking her in. She may not have lasted much longer without her.